Stomp To The Beat Of The Boom.
Another remix is coming down the pipeline, as well.
Stay tuned.
Stomp To The Beat Of The Boom.
Another remix is coming down the pipeline, as well.
Stay tuned.
There is a lot going on lately. Yes, I have been working on new music and collaborations with other artists, and I will get to all that (If you were hoping to glean information about my music, continue reading beyond my angry message, coming up). But first, let’s talk about current events.
Covid-19 and the Poor Response To It By The United States, Worldwide Protests for Equal Rights, Wealthy People In Control of Government, Police Brutality, Murder Hornets, Increased Seismic Activity at the Yellowstone Site, Asteroids Buzzing The Earth, and let’s not forget Loosening Environmental Regulations To Line The Pockets Of The Wealthy (goes along with Wealthy People In Control of Government)…
This isn’t going to simply deflate. This will eventually pop.
Most of the blame can squarely be placed on the current “president” of the United States and his personal allies (not the allies of the United States, which I am hoping we can smooth those relations after we get rid of Orange #3). Oh, in case you were curious what my stance is on our current leadership: Fuck trump. Fuck mCconnell. Fuck the lockstep, bootlicking republicans who protect Orange #3. Fuck the police whose fraternity protects the fascism that is rampant in their ranks. I’m sure there is more I could jam my dick in, but this covers a lot of the current holes I would currently like to see plugged.
In case you might be wondering: I don’t give a fuck if you decide you will not support my work because I am not “fascist-friendly”. Go fuck yourself to some Morrissey. Trust me when I say, I don’t make enough money from what I do to notice you will be gone, and your sudden shunning of my work will not take my synths, basses, or microphones away. I will continue to create music, and there is a good chance it will only become angrier and more vitriolic toward your stupid, fucking cause.
Now, onto the good stuff.
I just finished a collaboration with Finnish project, Tonttu. If you agree that gnomes are pure evil and are in control of everything that is wrong with this world, you will certainly enjoy this song. If you wish to learn more about what I just said, I implore you to search out Tonttu’s music collection. It is pure anti-gnome propaganda. Begin your journey, here:
Anyway, I created the music as a backdrop to a story told by Hannu Kulju (Tonttu’s vocalist and leader of the anti-gnome army) about how gnomes have taken over Hell. You can enjoy this tale by clicking on either of these links:
I have also been hard at work on the instrumental album, Puzzle Of Little Deaths; a three-part album, the first of which has been released on Bandcamp only, at this time. Well, the second-part of the album is now complete. The last two songs are in post production and will be released on Bandcamp along with the first part, very soon (Once all three parts are concluded, it will be sent to darkTunes for mass distribution and streaming). I will be starting work on the final part of the album right after I finish this:
Now that the second part of Puzzle of Little Deaths is complete, I will be turning my attention to a single I had intended to release a while ago, but got quite sidetracked. A song I had originally written for an event at a night club I dj at (BIG SHOUT TO BAR XIII in WILMINGTON, DELAWARE) needed some vocals reworked on the original mix. Oddly, the remix is ready to go. That sort of order never happens, to my knowledge, but it happened. Anyway, I will be getting to the vocal rework on a song titled, Dance of the Profane.
I have to admit, I’m a little concerned about the content of the song, as it hits kinda close to current events. The song is literally about dancing to the rhythm of the end of the world. It was created long before all the shit we see now ever went down.
Dance Of The Profane and Embrace The Entropy will both be on the next, full vocal album, which will receive my complete attention, once Puzzle is complete. I know a lot of people are looking forward to the next album. Just with these two songs, it is ramping up to be angrier and more volatile than Prelude, which was more akin to me saying howdy and introducing myself.
Stay safe, my friends. The world is kinda fucked right now, but that is what it takes to make things better, sometimes.
Much Love,
PS: You can find all of my music, including a couple of covers I cannot distribute through my label due to legal issues (And yes, I do have mechanical licenses for both covers, but mass distribution becomes messy, so I give them away for free exclusively, here) on my Bandcamp page:
Also, while you are at it, go visit darkTunes’ merchandise site and purchase stuff with my face on it. Let’s make it weird!
Currently, I am offering a prerelease of my new album (in 3 parts- the first part is complete and available) only on Bandcamp. Once all three parts are complete, I will be submit the entire album to darkTunes for publication and distribution. You can now own it as it comes, before the rest of the world gets their chance!
Each part consists of 6 instrumental pieces of dark ambient industrial music; mood music, if you will. Each song leads into the next, telling a story only you will know and understand. Close your eyes and let the music illustrate the story within.
This is one third of an incomplete puzzle. Stay tuned, for Puzzle Of Little Deaths: Part 60! Once all three parts are complete, I will then put the entire puzzle together for you.
Part 600:
Until Next Time..
So, I assume no one really reads posts on my website, so I have news that I have only (so far) shared with my closest friends and family. Now, I’m telling you, because you don’t really exist.
In a little more than a week, I will be auditioning for to become the bassist for a new project called Face Without Fear!
What is Face Without Fear, you ask?
Well, let’s start with the question: What do Murderdolls, Static X, and Dope have in common?
The quick answer is, Tripp Eisen.
Now then; back to the original question: What is Face Without Fear?
The quick answer is, Tripp Eisen’s newest project.
This is the biggest opportunity I’ve ever been given, musically! To say I’m excited and chomping at the bit is a vast understatement! I have a little over a week to tighten several songs I’ve been given to learn, for this project.
Okay- now, there are those who really know me. It’s no big secret I’m on the autism spectrum. When I say I’m focused on becoming the bassist for Face Without Fear, it is a hyper-focus. I already have my personal practices scheduled, so that I may learn, become comfortable with, and tighten the songs given to me. I have all the songs given to me on a thumb drive in my car, which I listen to every driving moment. I am sleeping, eating, breathing, and absorbing these songs.
There are two other bassists auditioning. There are no other bassists auditioning. There is me, focused on making sure the bass parts art tight and on point for Face Without Fear and their first show which will be at QXT’s in Newark, NJ, August 25th.
This is not cockiness. This is my faith in myself, the number of years under my belt as a bassist, my experience, and my hyper-focus.
I look forward to this opportunity!
PS: I won’t be putting any tags to this post, really, because… I don’t want to jinx it. Silly. :/ But whatever. If it happens, I won’t be able to keep the lid on.
First, let’s get to the news: January 3rd will be my first event of the year, and this time I am spinning alongside Philly’s own DJ Luna! I am looking forward to hearing what she brings to the table! This event will be at my home away from home: Bar XIII’s Asylum 13 in Wilmington, DE (9pm to 1am). I look forward to seeing my Delaware family for the first time this year!
Okay, so I have decided maybe it’s time for me to open up and give you a bit of me, personally. I hide behind humor (most of it, bad or inappropriate). I have suffered from a form of Major Depression all my life. I was diagnosed as dysthymic, when I was younger. To add to that, I was diagnosed late-in-life (6 years ago) with Asperger’s (Autism Spectrum). Unfortunately, not knowing I was autistic my whole life caused a lot of problems for me, when I was younger. These things shaped who I am, today. I did, in fact, open up a little bit about it, in the songs, What’s Inside, as well as Rain Behind Your Eyes. I suppose you could say, Happy is a song regarding how I feel during a meltdown, and Embrace The Entropy is the acceptance that everything falls apart, which is how a meltdown feels. In fact, Embrace was written right after a very serious meltdown that I would love to forget ever happened, but it will never go away, and nothing will ever change that.
Since being diagnosed, I have had people tell me that I seem to use my autism as an excuse and should really try to contain it and act normal. I do. It’s fucking exhausting. But I always do. It’s something that, long before my diagnosis, I was being told I needed to do. I’m used to people not really being comfortable with the real me. I am exhausting.
But it fuels my music. My hyperfocus is music (well, there are others, but we’ll not discuss those, at this time). This has, on occasion, been to my detriment. I will lose track of time and space, when I work with sound. I will forget to eat and sleep. I will forget to take care of basic needs for myself and those who rely on me.
While we’re on the subject, let’s talk a little bit about the autism meltdown. People talk about how bad it is to bottle shit up. I don’t know too many people on the spectrum who have a firm control over this. It is the one part of me that has always scared me. It is a monster I cannot control, except to sink into seclusion. Most of the time, I am in my music studio. Most of the time, I sleep there. It keeps the monster away from everyone.
I say it scares me. It does. But there is the dark, raspy voice in the back of my head, telling me “You can tell the whole world how much you hate me, but you can’t lie to me. You can’t lie to yourself. You love me.” And I do. It feels good to meltdown. It is uncontrollable anger. The lid comes off. The pressure releases. I black out. I remember bits and pieces, later, but most everything is relayed to me from someone I wish wouldn’t have been there for it. It is best that I stay away from those I love, sometimes.
The fucked up thing about being autistic and not knowing- growing up and not understanding why people treat you like both an alien and a target for their entertainment.But it’s that, which fuels my passion, as well. I have grown to understand that the world is full of assholes. It’s full of what people like to call “Normies”. They are the sheep. They are the status quo. They are one color- one tone- one sound… and while that sound, color, or tone may change over time to the beat of media, government, or whatever, it still remains the same, bland crap that has always infected humanity.
Let your freak flag fly. Don’t strive for status quo. Be you and fuck those who oppose.
Until next time,
I would like to introduce to you, THE DJversion666 DARKMERCH MERCHANDISE SITE
Because, holy shit! darkTunes comes through with another HUGE surprise! Just in time for the holiday season! You could have DJversion666 coffee mugs! A whole, fucking set! How about that shit!? Yeah!
The hoodie looks pretty damn sweet, too. I’m, of course, going to have to get a few of everything, just to annoy my friends and give them out as gifts.
I’m still unsure how I feel about seeing my face being worn on fabric, but hey- let’s find out, shall we?
Hoodies, Tees, Android phone cases, iPad cases, coffee mugs… and more to come!
Now, you can own merchandise of one of the most underground artists on this planet. Yes, you hear my music on various radio stations, and of course there is Spotify and other streaming services. But really, who the fuck am I?
Hit my store! Your parents deserve the best gifts for the holidays. This is your chance to tell them how you really feel.
Also, a reminder: I will be in Delaware, at Bar XIII, Thursday, December 6th for That Dark Dance Party at Asylum 13! I’m going to have a couple, very special songs in the mix, that evening- a new one from myself and a new one from Exemia!
Until next time,
Keep it dark
Once again, I’m apologizing for being absent, here. For the two or so of you who follow me, you deserve more.
And more, I shall give you.
These past couple of months, I’ve been spinning alongside DJ Richard Reich, at Bar XIII. It’s been an incredible experience. I enjoy his style and selections of music. This past month, I also had the honor of working with the Rum Runner Review and their show, The Sinister Cabaret, at the same, beloved Bar XIII, in Wilmington, DE.
It was my first experience with a burlesque show. I’ve never seen one, either. It was amazing and I recommend it to anyone who wants a different form of entertainment. It is old-school. It is flirty. It is truly entertaining. There’s magic. Just sayin’. It was my job to play the music for the performers and spin the mixes between sets and after the show.
My next appearance at Bar XIII will be December 6th for the Asylum 13 event; That Dark Dance Party, again, with DJ Richard Reich! If you are in the area, this is where you’ll want to be, if you like your music with a touch of darkness.
Also, it should be noted that more music is being created, every moment time permits. I recently finished a song called Dance of the Profane, and have started another, much darker song that is tentatively titled, Inspiration So Dark. These are steps in the direction of the next album, which I will not release until everyone involved in the DJversion666 project are happy with it. One day, maybe I’ll release all my raw tracks for free, just to show you what doesn’t make it to the finished product. I’m finding some people are actually interested in that sort of thing. Anyway- yes, an album is being made. I wish it could be quicker, but the reality is, I have to follow my dreams and my job (that pays the bills- let’s be honest: You have to love what you do, to be a musician). I am djing a good 60 or more hours a week, so getting in the studio is an interesting challenge, but one I am willing to take. One song at a time. I will give you my best.
Keep following me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and anywhere else you might find me creeping around.
Until the next time,
First off: Apologies are in order. I’ve been very lax in keeping you updated as to the goings on in the realm of DJversion666.
I’ve been busy writing/recording for my next album (and sifting through the music, deciding which are keepers and which get sidelined), djing, and taking care of personal business.
I’ve been fighting depression, as well.
Depression sucks. It kills all motivation to do anything productive. Hell- it kills all motivation. It makes you question your self-worth. It paints the world in shades of grey.
Unfortunately, these days, everyone is quick to tell someone simply to get help. It’s easy enough to report someone for being depressed. It’s easy to tell someone what they should do to get over their depression- go for a walk, breathe deep, smile, pretend, whatever. In the age of short attention spans, memes, etc., no one seems to have time for each other, except to click the heart or the thumb’s up.
What do you do, though, when you neither want to be alone, nor around anyone?
Sometimes, I prefer to be lonely, so I don’t depress anyone by being depressed around those I care about.
First on the agenda for this post:
Brutal Resonance has released another amazing compilation! I am happy to inform you that a new and previously unreleased DJversion666 song has made its way onto this collection of industrial music!
The song, Witches, originally made its debut at Bar XIII (Wilmington, DE) for a Wizard of Oz-themed Asylum 13 event. It is now being released for free (pay what you want) via Brutal Resonance, and very soon will be available on the DJversion666 Bandcamp page. This song will NOT be found on any upcoming albums. It will only be released as a single with the option of not having to pay a single penny (if you want to pay for it to show your support, I’m not going to say no, but it is otherwise free).
DJ events coming up in the month of May:
Thursday, May 3rd – Asylum 13 (Bar XIII, Wilmington, DE)
Saturday, May 12th – QXT’s (Newark, NJ)
Unfortunately, the Trenton event has been pulled, apparently due to a lack of interest in industrial and goth music in that area. I do understand Philly is right there, where the goth/industrial scene is strong.
Instead, I’m now looking for a place that will consider a goth/industrial night in Asbury Park (this place NEEDS a goth/industrial night, for so many reasons). Cross fingers. This WILL happen, but it needs to be the right place. Not just any place will do.
Recently finished a couple more songs for the upcoming album (By “finished”, I mean the music is done. Once the music is finished, I begin the task of writing lyrics). If there is an interest, I will start posting the occasional preview of new music.
Until next time.
Before I get into the details of the headline of this post, I would like to call attention to a couple of upcoming events you should know about and come get your goth/industrial groove on:
First, coming up immediately, this week:
We are bringing the goth and industrial to Trenton, NJ! There is no cover charge, so if you’re in the area and you enjoy your music dark and brooding, I’ll make that happen for you.
Also of note (and I will mention it again, in an upcoming post, I assure you), I will be djing for the first time at QXT’s in Newark, NJ! This event will happen Saturday, May 12th! I can’t possibly put into words exactly how excited I am about this! It’s my first time there, AND I will be on the main floor alongside DJ Q MindSolvent! Again, I will post more about this in an upcoming post for May.
So, yes- I am releasing a new song very soon. I wrote it this past Summer, for an event at Asylum 13 (Bar XIII, Wilmington, DE). It is inspired by the movie, The Wizard of Oz. It will definitely be released on my Bandcamp page, and is being considered for an upcoming compilation. Keep your eyes on this page for more details, as they happen.
Until next time.
Much love,
This past Sunday Night, I received a message inviting me to spin at Reset Society’s 3 Year Anniversary celebration, Saturday, March 17th! Well, of course I said yes! Come out and have fun with us, if you’re into Industrial, EBM, Goth, Darkwave, and everything in between! This is in Allentown, PA, so if you’re from other parts of the world, you’d better get a move on!
See you there!
I would just like to put this here, for a moment:
That’s right! Grendel, Aesthetic Perfection, and Peter Turns Pirate will be at Bar XIII in Wilmington, NJ on Thursday, April 5th! I am excited and honored to be a part of this, as I will be spinning between band sets, this evening!
Thursday, April 12th, I will be spinning all things goth, EBM, dark, and industrial once again at Champ’s in Trenton! Come out and help us establish this as Trenton’s dark scene!
On a personal note, I have to admit to everyone I’ve been going through a bit of depression over the past couple of months, which has put a severe damper on my creative process. It seemed to have hit me, some time while I was afflicted with that damn flu that was killing people. I feel I may be finally pulling through that and will be back in the studio, putting my thoughts to sound. Understand, I’m not at all seeking sympathy. My depression, my aspergers, my every, little mental dent and ding fuels my creative process. This is a part of it.
While I despise these feelings, I embrace them for what they do for my creative vehicles.
Until next update,
This is my first, official interview!
Yes, I’m every excited about this!
Yes, I hope you enjoy it!
If you are patient, you will see a pic scroll through of me showing off a little, tasteful side-boob.
Start: February 1 – 09:00 pm
End: February 2 – 01:00 am
Organizer: Asylum 13
Asylum 13 is a weekly celebration of Dark beats, Dark fashion and Dark fun. A place where shadow and flame come together to teach the art of seduction in whispers only the brave will hear. Come experience Delaware’s most original dance party. We are Asylum 13, We are Thursday, and We are ready for you to join us!
Are DJs are here to administer excatly the medicine you need. They bring you a beat you can get lost in, whether you want the gear grinding pulse of Industrial or your favorite New Wave song drenched in the blood of a dark remix they are here to meet your need for awesome, keeping your hearts pounding, your feet stomping, and the adrenaline high.
Visit our Apothecary for discounted spirits and great selection of craft beer to release your inhibitions and dull your fear. Get there before 11, and enjoy $3 Shots of Fireball or get knocked on your ass by our sweet and sultry house special, the Asylum Slut, for $5. Miller High life is only $3 and add a rail shot of your choice for $3 more.
Asylum 13 has always promoted a Fetish-Friendly environment, combining excellent music, a laid back social atmosphere, and the opportunity for consensual kink.
Enjoy FIRE MASSAGE and ELECTRICAL MASSAGE by FIRE GEISHA, Or Come see Vixen Vicious, the sensual sadist guaranteed to make a lasting impression. Or Krixxus Kain who always makes sure the impressions last. show off her sexy toy collection and love of inflicting pain on her oh so willing volunteers. And don’t miss the sensuous ARWEN EVELYN as she works the pole to the hypnotic and dark sounds of her DJ overlords!
Professional photos provided by Matt Maestro, to set up your own Photoshoot with Asylum 13 as the backdrop, contact him here
The gates of Asylum 13 open at 9pm at Bar XIII, 1706 Philadelphia Pike, Wilmington, DE, 19809 (Just 20 minutes South of Center City, Philly).
Cover is only $5.
Remember, Patients must be 21 with ID for Admittance. Gates open at 9.
Date:February 23
Time:09:00 pm
Championship Bar
931 Chambers St, Trenton, New Jersey 08611
Organizer: Katie Campbell
We’re taking a January hiatus but do not fret our monthly Goth Dance Party returns February 23rd. This is a FREE event so bring your friends.
Check out your minister of music at
First of all, welcome! If you’ve never been to my website, please, look around! There are links to my music, dj mixes/sets, merchandise (t shirts, cds, etc), as well as up-to-date information on the latest goings on in the wonderful world of DJversion666 and friends.
If you’ve visited this domain before, you will notice that it is vastly different, thanks to my good friend, Tangent D. Noir of! He is doing amazing things for me, right now! As things happen, I will share the information with you. He has also taken the reigns on my Facebook page and has made several, amazing improvements I didn’t even know were possible! If you haven’t checked it out, yet, please do (while you’re there, you might as well go ahead and click that Like button). Thank you, Tangent! You are a blessing to the DIY artist community!
In business news (haha I never really wanted to say that, but it was more fun than I’d imagined, just now), I will be performing alongside DJ Killcrazy, once again, for the world-famous Asylum 13 at Bar XIII in Wilmington, DE on Thursday, February 1st! I will be spinning at Champ’s in Trenton, NJ for the very relatively new Goth Night Returns event on Friday, February 23rd! At these events, I will always have merchandise with me (T shirts, CDs, and stickers). If you’re too far away to attend any of my events, You can always purchase T shirts and CDs via Bandcamp, and of course, you can purchase CDs from and of course, there are all the major distribution sites and streaming sites available to you, for digital downloads and streaming, should you choose not to use Bandcamp. You can find links to those sites with some quick browsing around this site.
On a personal note, I am ecstatic to have received an awesome package from a good friend, yesterday! I was happy to find my new Aim & Execute T Shirt, along with my replacement Exemia T Shirt (my old one was on its last threads lol)
OH YEAH! I certainly don’t want to forget to mention an upcoming interview with the YouTube channel, KnowShitCast! I’m really looking forward to this, as it’s technically my first, official interview! Nervous? Of course! Excited? Also, yes!
Also, know I’ve got several songs on the burner, right now. Soon, you’ll be hearing some new material from your pessimistic pal, DJversion666, including a couple of songs I did specifically for a couple of events I’ve recently DJ’d for. I consider them more of a novelty, than anything, so I will be giving them away for free, as soon as they’re mastered and ready to go.
Also considering doing a couple of videos for my YouTube channel, but I may have to request the aid of my nine year old son to hold the camera (phone- don’t let me kid you. If I figure out a better way, I’ll do it). Since I’m one of the very few industrial/goth/electronic musicians who use Linux, there have been questions and curiosities about my work flow and the processes I go through to record the noise that makes sense to me. We’ll see how that goes, though. Once I get involved in recording, I tend to become oblivious to everything around me, so actually talking might be a bit of a challenge. lol
Until next time, keep doing what you’re doing, unless someone else is suffering for it (unless that is what that “someone” is into. I certainly do not judge).
And that is very difficult to do.
Yes, I have a couple of events I’ll be spinning tunes for: Notably, the Goth Dance Party (appropriately, on Black Friday, November 24th), in Trenton, NJ at Champ’s ( and Asylum 13 in Wilmington, DE at Bar XIII on December 7th (
Musically, I’m still diligently putting my next album together. I’ve got several songs going on at the same time.
I’m also trying to get an Xmas song done in time for a compilation cd. I’m going to make it an instrumental, and I’m choosing a song that is in the public domain, so no headaches.
I will admit that I am in dire need of someone who would be willing to help me with keeping this website updated, etc. Doing it all, myself, is becoming too much, as I’m trying to focus on writing music. Granted, I can’t pay. I am willing to pay in the form of merchandise and high-pitched, girlish laughter (if that is what you’re truly interested in). If you would like to consider this position for yourself, you can email me at and we will discuss your lucrative (or whatever) career as my e-ssistant.
Other than that, I’ve got a couple of remixes I’m considering doing, if I can find that extra time I hear so much about. I know there is more going on, but my mind is so scattered at the moment, it’s a small wonder I am able to put this post together.
Hopefully, my next post won’t seem so scattered.
Happy Halloween Month!
Savor every fucking day, this month, as every moment is a worthy moment- and with a little effort, a worthy moment can become a spooky moment! -PSA
There is a lot going on, this month:
Thursday, October 5th, I’m spinning alongside Project Two during the Asylum 13 event, which will be a Twisted Wizard of Oz theme! This, of course, goes on at Bar XIII in Wilmington, Delaware. If you’re interested, the party starts at 9pm and we take it down the Yellow Brick Road until 1am. It’s a theme party, so get your flying monkey suit and join in the fun!
As stated, this is a themed event, and Project Two, Exemia, and myself decided to do something very different and produce original songs inspired by the Wizard of Oz! Those songs will premiere, that night!
Saturday, October 21st, I will be stepping foot and plugging in for the first time in Allentown, PA at The Stonewall for the monthly Reset Society event! I’m am both nervous and excited to be here, this night! The party starts at 10pm and goes until 2am!
Friday, October 27th, I will be giving you my spookiest at Champ’s in Trenton, NJ as they host their Goth/Industrial Halloween Party! Come in costume, because that’s what you do at a Halloween Party! The party will be from 9pm until 1am!
Also, I want to mention, the Iron Garden is hosting their Halloween Party at QXT’s in Newark, NJ and one of the prizes will involve a DJversion666 PRELUDE cd and t-shirt! I was also asked to judge the costume contest they will be having, but their party is the same night as the Halloween Party at Champ’s. I had to politely decline. I am honored that they had asked! Best wishes to all involved in the Iron Garden event! I can truly say, I will definitely be there in spirit!
Also, I wanted to thank Tangent D. Noir and (website and social media) for their continued support of the DJversion666 brand! This man has accomplished (and continues to do so) superhero-like feats in order to make things happen! I truly cannot thank him enough for everything he does!
Another person I can’t thank enough for everything is Fabian Morales, otherwise known as Exemia! He continues to make my music absolutely magical! He is an incredible talent! If you have never heard his work, I suggest you google Exemia, AND Aim&Execute (a collaboration between himself and Audiocentesis)! The man is a genius!
Finally, I want to thank my family. I know I push myself, and you have to put up with my craziness. Life is about doing and being. Thank you for letting me do me. I hope to only make you proud.
That is all the news for this month. I have a couple of events already booked for next month, and am hoping to book one or two more, but I’ll talk more on those in a future post.
There are so many things to catch you up on, I’m not even sure where to begin!
Let’s start with the TWO YEAR ANNIVERSARY of the DJversion666.COM WEBSITE! To celebrate (and to try and pay some bills, because bills), I am pointing out an exclusive offer you can’t find anywhere else and that would be my entire collection for the low, low price of $10.40 (US) for the DJversion666 Digital Collection! You can get it, here: Click Here and Scroll Down for the Special Price!
Coming up at Bar XIII in Wilmington, DE, Thursday, September 7th, Asylum 13 will be presenting a Twisted Wizard of Oz theme night! That’s right- dark dance, ebm, industrial with a hint of everything Yellow Brick Road! For this event, I am writing an original song inspired by the classic movie! After the event, I will be providing a link to give the song away for free 🙂
Speaking of: The aforementioned song inspired by the Wizard of Oz is being written and produced within my new DAW. I have retired EnergyXT and have migrated to Ardour. I won’t go into details here, but suffice it to say, EnergyXT was not able to keep up with my demands. Ardour fits my needs like a glove. I think you’re going to like what will be coming from me, soon. 🙂
Stay tuned keep supporting independent artists. We do it because we love it.
Once again, here I am with a sporadic update of things going on in the world of DJversion666:
I will be djing at Bar XIII in Wilmington, DE on July 6th! I love this place! Once a month, I travel from the dirty Jersey shored to this amazing bar just 30 minutes south of Philadelphia; the first Thursday of each, to be exact. We’ve started doing themed events, within the past few months. The first was a Star Wars theme, thrown at us at the last minute, putting the creative part of the brain into a higher gear. Thankfully, Klayton of Celldweller and Circle Of Dust fame has done a tremendous job of paying electronic homage to the Star Wars franchise. Amazon had the single available for a few bucks, so it was a matter of downloading, listening, and, like any man with some alone-time, playing with it. I was ready. The most recent event was a Matrix theme. That was a great time! We picked several songs from the soundtrack and added that to our standard picks of EBM, Darkwave, and Industrial (with a pinch of EDM from Project Two, my usual partner in crime on the decks). This next event will be a Hackers theme (Hack The Planet, Mr. The Plague, etc); more great music from three, separate soundtracks! It’s sure to be a great time, once again. Project Two won’t be able to make it, this time, oddly, because of hackers (not the movie, but actual hackers. I can’t go into detail, because it’s not my place. …but, funny. 😀 ). DJ KillCrazy will be joining me, this time. Together, we are taking down the Gibson, baby!
In the music realm, I am crazy busy. I’ve decided to shelf the idea of putting a band together for the live project. I’ve started focusing on studio work, once again. I have recently finished recording my vocals on an Aim&Execute (a collaborative project of Exemia and Audiocentesis) song titled Messiah Of My Doubt. It was recently released on the Terror Night Vol. 3 Mechanized Occultism compilation cd! That was an amazing experience. It gave me the kick I needed to start working on my own music. Currently, I have four or five songs put into motion. A few of them may not make it, but that is the nature of the beats. I am looking forward to finishing these, and many more, in the upcoming year.
The original Embrace The Entropy was also recently released on the June 2017 Brutal Resonance release; a compilation that is now being released once a month! …FOR FREE!!! (pay what you will- be cool and throw ’em a few bucks. Trust me when I say, they appreciate it). That’s it- with the exception of instrumentals and remixes, every one of my songs has been on (in some form or fashion) a compilation cd! Achievement Unlocked!
DSBP Discogs, founded by Tommy T. Rapisardi of Diverje fame, is being especially awesome! A short while back, they started carrying physical copies of the Prelude cd in their online store! That’s right- you can order physical cds from them! Tommy, who also hosts Cyberage Radio plays various songs from the album in the regular rotation! A lot of people are hearing my work, especially out West! I can’t thank him enough for all the help he’s provided on this incredible journey.
That is true of everyone who has helped me, thus far. The list is becoming the length of my first letter to Santa Claus. My next, full album will have a huge Special Thanks section!
Until next post:
Much love!
Here I am, still not updating as often as I’d like to. Please accept my most sincere apology, as we move forward.
Of note in the realm of DJversion666:
I’m getting my own reality series! Just kidding. Fuck no.
I am working on several songs at the same time. I work on a little at a time with each of them. Which one I work on is entirely dependent upon my mood. There are a couple of very interesting ideas, I’m kicking around. I can’t divulge anything, yet. Nothing is set in stone.
Of extra special note: The first Thursday of each month, Project Two and myself take turns spinning the dark electronic tunes in Wilmington, Delaware’s Bar XIII for Asylum 13. As of May (The 4th), we began doing theme nights. Yes, it was a Star Wars theme night! Project two and I had some fun that night. I admit, I love Star Wars. Most people could guess what song got played, that evening.
Thursday, June 1st will be The Matrix theme.
Follow the white rabbit.
Take the red pill.
one more…
There is no spoon.
I want to apologize, first, for not updating this site as often as I should. With my work schedule, it’s difficult to sit down and actually catch you up with the latest goings on and what-not.
Tonight (January 5th, 2017), I will be spinning alongside Project Two at Bar XIII in Wilmington, DE. We’ll be pumping out the dark tunes for your stomping pleasure!
Also, tonight (at Midnight), darkTunes Music Group will be releasing my single, Embrace The Entropy, along with some seriously kick-ass remixes by Audiocentesis, Cutoff:Sky, Exemia, LaUD23, and Machines On Blast! This will be available through various distribution sites, such as iTunes, Amazon, and Google Play. I shall also have it available on Bandcamp, for those of you who prefer it.
Exemia and I just finished a remix for Totem Obscura (Acylum side project) which will be released via digital download AND physical media! I have to admit, I’m pretty damned excited about that!
Currently, I’m working on a remix for Machines On Blast, for the remix cd of the Tin Man Empire album!
Shortly after that, I will be working on another remix for Deophagy! They’re finishing up some tracks and putting together a remix kit, and then- it’s on!
After that, I will be getting back to work on the next DJversion666 album. I am hoping to have a full, decibel-packed album out and available by Halloween of this year. It’s not going to be easy, as my work schedule is crazy (bills won’t leave me alone, no matter how much I insist they give me a break), but I will make this happen!
I will be seeking to reform the live show, very soon. I miss being on the stage, screaming into a microphone. If you are a musician (especially if you live in Jersey, however, if you’re willing to travel we can work things out), and you’re interested in having some fun on stage, reach out to me at
That is all the news for now.
Stay tuned for more, as it happens.
Evan and I have been talking about spinning together for a while now. It’s finally about to happen, and it shall be glorious.
If you live anywhere on the East Coast, this is the place to be Thursday night. We are going to bring the dark electronic sounds you know and love (and a few you will be happy to hear for the first time).
We look forward to seeing you there.
New ideas are flowing- from the mind, to the fingertips, to the hard drive, to the ears- and eventually, to you.
I’m taking my time on this next album. Each song will be an entity unto itself.
Also, it is my esteemed pleasure to be joined on this project by vocalist/keyboardist, The Queen of Blasphemy!
Another dimension has been added.
Stay tuned!
Never fear; I’m still writing music. I’m just not pushing myself, at this time, in order to correct some things in my life that need correcting.
More music will be coming your way.
Stay tuned.
We had an incredible time, last night, at QXT’s! They were wonderful hosts. I cannot wait to perform there, again (and again and again and, well, you get the idea).
I made a lot of new friends, that night. If you dig deep, you’ll find a picture of me playing the Pokemon Go game with a great group of people who drove an hour away to see our show (I swear, I’m playing it for my son. QXT’s is a Pokestop. I’m sure you understand). Shout out to Patty, Derek, and the rest of the crew! You guys are awesome!
It is an honor to have opened for Kosmic Daydream and GHyp:See & The Wichts! There is some great music coming from these bands! If you ever get a chance, definitely check them out. The Wichts’ bassist, Samuel Elijah James IV, is bangin’ it out on a six string with a tremolo- from one bassist to another, I salute you!
I cannot thank everybody enough for the awesome time we had!
Last night’s set list:
What’s Inside
Goodbye World
Where Is Your God Now
Malevolent Introspection
Embrace The Entropy
Can You Feel The Beat (Nachtmahr cover)
Human Race To The Finish
Performing Goodbye World alongside Nathan Brodsky on guitar and Andrew Wang on keyboards
As soon as I have more pics and vids, I will post them.
UPDATE with pics:
Just to briefly catch you up with all things DJversion666:
I’ve been on their Newcomer Charts for months now with my song, Happy!
These wonderful people will be releasing a compilation cd, very shortly. It will have 2 of my songs, Happy and my newest: Embrace The Entropy (As well as a special, super secret surprise. You’ll have to get the compilation to find out what it is 😉 ) You’ll be able to get it here, as soon as it becomes available: CIA Releases look for CIA Volume 3!
Also, courtesy of CIA Specialforces and LaUD23, I have received the first remix for Embrace The Entropy! It is incredible and I am really looking forward to sharing it with everyone! It will be one of several remixes that will be appearing on a a remix cd, courtesy of darkTunes Music Group! Embrace The Entropy will also be released as a single. Haven’t heard it yet? Here ya go: Embrace The Entropy Streamed via ReverbNation
Speaking of darkTunes: In cooperation with Trisol Music Group, Nachtmahr is releasing their 10 year tribute album. The DJversion666 project will be appearing on the digital album release! We covered Can You Feel The Beat and it fucking rocks!
August 20th will be our first, live show! We are taking the stage at 8pm, for QXT’s Celestial Stage event! Please come early! Let them know you’ve come to get your genetalia touched by the music of DJversion666. Our music is going to touch them, so hard. You will need therapy. It is important that you let them know you’ve come to see us, specifically.
Stay tuned for more, as it comes!
The first song has officially been recorded for the next album (title TBA)! I would like to thank Exemia (Fabian Morales) for his incredible post-production work, as well as the brilliant guitar tracks! I would also like to thank QXT’s in Newark (Especially DJ Victrola!) for all their support and love! I am truly honored to have my music played in such a well-known and wonderful nightclub!
Embrace The Entropy is currently only available for streaming. It will be available for download, shortly (courtesy of darkTunes Music Group).
Embrace The Entropy will also be found on an upcoming CIA Special Forces compilation CD!
Several radio stations already have their hands on this song and have promised to give it so airwave love!
Currently, there are several incredible artists working on remixes of this song. I am really looking forward to hearing their work!
Check it out, here: Embrace The Entropy Streamed via ReverbNation
We will be performing Saturday, August 20th at QXT’s Celestial Stage event, in Newark, NJ!
More information will become available. Keep your eyes on this post!
Merchandise has either been ordered, or it’s already arrived!
T-Shirts are $15 each plus shipping
11″ x 17″ Prelude Poster $5 each plus shipping
11″ x 17″ Human Race To The Finish Lyrics Poster $5 each plus shipping
11″ x 17″ Rain Behind Your Eyes – Jimmi Jensen Original Artwork Poster $5 each plus shipping
CDs are $10 each plus shipping
Stickers are $1 each
$2 for 3
$3 for 5
$5 for 10
If you’d like, you can send a self-addressed stamped envelope (for stickers only) to:
PO Box 1816
Brick, NJ 08723
currently accepting payments for all merchandise via Paypal only
make payments to
Stay tuned! There will be more to come!
If you have any questions or need to state your size, contact me at
This incredible piece was mastered by the multi-talented, Jimmi Jensen! It will be going on T-shirts, posters, and other fine pieces of DJversion666 merchandise, in the very near future!
If you’ve never heard of Jimmi Jensen, well it’s time you should! This man has done incredible artwork for other bands, such as Andrako, Diverje, Resist Concept, Varicella, Wyre Trapp, and Xentrifuge, to name a few,
Much of his artwork can be found here:
Jimmi Jensen’s Album Artwork on Facebook
…but wait- there’s more to this multifaceted individual!
He has two musical projects going on, currently:
which is is solo project.
Soak in the talent of this artist/entertainer! You’ll be glad you did!
We have been penned in to play this date! There will be more information posted here, as it happens!
Stay tuned!
I hope to see everyone there!
As we close in on the date we intend to be ready for the stage, we have begun our decision-making process on what merch will be available for our shows. Of course, we will have CDs and T-shirts! As funds become available, we will be ordering things one thing at a time.
CDs will be $10
T-shirts will be $15
We’re looking into buttons (oh yeah, we’re bringing it back), boy shorts (I think that’s what they’re called), posters, etc.
Currently in stock, though- STICKERS! That’s right- put the DJversion666 symbol on your books, computers, cases, local church doors (although, not recommended, it would be funny), nipples, etc.
If you order stickers, please take pictures of the crazy places you put ’em!
Currently to order online, I can only accept Paypal. If you would like to order stickers, will be the address to send Paypal orders.
Stickers are:
1 for $1
3 for $2
5 for $3
Bulk orders are also available. Contact me at for details.
This was posted to Facebook, March 12th at 5:07am EST:
“Drunk drivers…
Tonight, I was hit by a drunk driver. It was on a major highway in New Jersey. I’m still shaken up. It’s only apparent to me, as I’m struggling to type this, at the moment. I’m very lucky.
I’m typing this out, right now, sort of as my own therapy, to remind myself that it really happened.
The drunk driver was driving on the wrong side of the highway.
But wait, it’s more fun from my perspective.
I’m in the center lane, doing approximately 65 mph. A semi was in the right lane, in front of me. The semi puts its left turn signal and starts moving into the center lane. That’s too close to me, so I move into the left lane. Suddenly, headlights are coming around the truck and I have two options; turn right, into the semi (that’s a strong “fuck no”) or turn left, into the grassy median, risking guard rail and cement barrier. Grassy median, it was. I start to turn left when the impact occurred. If I wouldn’t have done so, I wouldn’t be typing this, right now.
I was hit on the passenger side. My vehicle rolled at least once. I don’t know. It was about 2:00 am. It was dark. I know, the vehicle ended up on its side. No airbags deployed, that I am aware of.
During this time, I leaned in toward the passenger seat. When the vehicle came to a stop, The driver’s side was on the ground. The passenger side was smashed. The windows were all shattered on that side. The doors were smashed shut. Once I realized that this really happened, I unbuckled my seatbelt and surfaced through the passenger side window. I hopped down and looked around, trying to figure out what the fuck just happened. I saw a couple of cars pulled over. One was definitely the car that hit me. Someone rushed over to see if I was okay and told me how they had called the police. They had been following this person, on the correct side of the highway. They gave witness statements.
The ambulance came and made sure I was okay. To be perfectly honest, I’m extremely shaken, but not a scratch. I have a bump on my right shin. I have a bruise on my left thigh. My lower right ribs are tender. I was shaking glass out of my hair and pulling it out of the crack of my ass. I don’t even want to think about that, ever again. EVer.
They asked if I wanted to go to the hospital. I’d told them no. I probably shouldn’t have. I will be going there in the morning after I wake up. I probably should have the ribs checked.
One thing I will say- I have some pretty bad-ass survival instincts.
Anyway- fucking drunk drivers. Just. Don’t.
I’ve since been recovering, having been prescribed pain killers, muscle relaxers, and high doses of ibuprofen. I haven’t yet picked up any instruments. My wrist is not ready for the bass, nor do I think I’d be comfortable spreading my fingers to play keyboards.
I can sing, though. I can fucking scream- at the top of my motherfucking lungs. I want to- I really do.
You get one chance at life. Take that chance. Tomorrow doesn’t come for everyone.
A few months ago my beautiful wife, Jennifer Stewart, had suggested that I listen to a song by a certain Damien Rice, called 9 Crimes.
Well, after hearing it, we decided to cover it and give it our own, special spin:
Jennifer did an amazing job! I look forward to working with her again, in the very near future!
Our cover can also be found on Soundcloud and ReverbNation, right now!
I hope you enjoy hearing it as much as we enjoyed putting it together!
Special thanks to Fabian Morelos (aka Exemia) for the incredible post-production!
So much is going on, I’m not really sure where to begin!
I suppose, to start, I would like to say that we are excited and pleased to bring aboard Jennifer Stewart into the DJversion666 project! She is currently putting dozens of incredible things in motion. We are all looking forward to the vast number of elements she brings to the table!
Speaking of Jennifer- she and I are just finishing up a cover of an incredible song by Damien Rice, putting our own, special flavor to his song.
Things are going extremely well with the live project! We’re estimating being ready to launch by the end of April. A few venues have mentioned having us. As soon as we are officially ready, I will be reaching out to everyone. Stay tuned!
Another awesome announcement: I have been asked to cover a song by a German techno/industrial group for their upcoming tribute album! I don’t want to give too much away, at this time, but suffice it to say I am honored!
I am also looking forward to working with Edit/Erase! We’ve been talking about a collaboration or two for a while now. I believe it’s about time we make this happen!
It goes without saying, I am looking forward to working with the Master Of All Things Audio- The Man Behind The Mask- Fabian Morelos: Exemia! I know, he’s an extremely busy man, not only with his personal project but he also has this incredible collaboration with the guys from AudioCentesis, known as Aim & Execute (Remember. This. Name)! Know that great things are coming to your ears from this man!
The next DJversion666 album will be more than just me! Yes, I will still be writing the songs, the lyrics, and doing the arranging, but Nathan, Renee, Brian, Jennifer, and myself (along with everything Fabian brings) will be laying down some serious, fucking tracks! This album is going to bring everything we do to a whole, new level!
We are coming. It will be beautiful.
Valentine’s day- a day for love, romance, candlewax, riding crops, cotton rope, leather, and snuggles…
…as well as blasting Happy, in an effort to tell your exes you still think about them from time to time.
Thank you, DJ BAn, for bringing this most powerful love song to the ears of your listeners!
Happy Valentine’s day, my friends! May your day consist of fucking. If you’re single, may your lotion and tissues serve you well.
This is an incredible set! I am honored to have been a part of this show!
I was informed via facebook that one of my songs be in the mix, however, I was unaware of which one. To my surprise, it was my cover of the Moody Blues song, Nights In White Satin. You can hear the entire set, here:
If you just want to hear the song, the link can be found below. I do recommend playing the entire show, though. The music selection is fucking awesome!
Well, I would love to say that it will be hard to beat the awesomeness that was 2015, but I can’t. Don’t get me wrong- 2015 was the year that really put the DJversion666 project into high gear. Exemia dusted me off and put me back where I’m supposed to be, musically. QXT’s in Newark, New Jersey, hosted my cd release party, when I had released it independently. A couple months later, I signed with darkTunes Music Group. Throughout all of last year, I’d been a guest dj a number of times at Bar XIII (formerly Mojo 13) in Wilmington, Delaware. I have met some outstanding human beings throughout this past year. It has been an amazing ride, thus far.
2016- I am the first featured artist of the year, on the Batbox Music E-Zine!january-feature-band-djversion666/c1vrx!
In a couple more months, the band will be ready to take the chains off and give you the best performance possible. Expect to see us at QXT’s, Bar XIII, and The Brighton Bar in Longbranch, New Jersey, shortly after we say “go”.
January of 2016 will also usher in two more compilations- One from Intravenous Magazine: Blood Pack Volume 3, and one from darkTunes: Gothic Music Orgy Volume 2.
I will also be starting work on the next album, in 2016. My first album revolved around depression, self-loathing, and anger- all great emotions that feel really good to get out and put to music. Expect to dive deeper into my mind on the next album.
On that note, I would like to welcome everyone to the new year!
As we prepare the live performance, I would like to point you toward DJversion666 on Spotify:
You should follow me. That would be very nice of you. Tell your friends. Listen to it and know that we will be bringing this to you live, in the coming months.
Stay tuned…
It was an excellent practice, once again, as we finished tightening Valentine. It feels good to add the extra layer of bass to that song.
We missed Renee, this evening. Hopefully all is well. Next week…
Malevolent Introspection is next on the agenda.
I’m looking forward to this one (Malevolent Introspection). The challenge, vocally, is in the breathing If I don’t take breaths at certain, specific points, I will surely pass out and die. When we start performing live, you’ll want to come out and see what happens. If I get distracted and miss a breath, I may just turn blue and pass out, falling into a tank of venomous platypuses. It would be awful, but I’m willing to take this chance- for you, dear madam or sir- for you.
I don’t want to give too much away, but expect to hear two more of my songs on two, separate compilations coming out in the coming months! One of the songs is a remix by Exemia, who brought the magic, once again! You won’t want to miss this huge piece of audio candy!
Stay tuned!
Two different mixes- both available for free!
This one is the beta (beta is what I like to call my attempt at mixing down a song):
This one is the final mix by Exemia:
This is my gift to you. Thank you for visiting my site. I hope you keep coming back to keep up with the future of this project.
Just finished recording 3 radio spots for Schwarze Welle Radio! This included a Holiday spot.
I will say this: I never learned another language. I should’ve. I need to.
I’m worried that I sounded like a tourist asking for directions in the wrong part of Brussels.
Adding to the Bucket List: Learn more languages
Do yourself a favor. It’s a big world. Do everything you can to enjoy it. Learn. Grow. Live outside of the box you grew up in. Experience. Gain perspectives. Try to understand. Never quit.
I’ve started kicking around some sounds and giving them some sense of order. I’m excited to see where it goes.
Stay tuned…
Thank you, Joseph Alechko of Candy Cigarette Photography for the pictures!
There will be more to come. Stay tuned…
While you are waiting for the “Prelude” release to populate the darkTUNES, iTunes, & Amazon stores, you might want to buy the Official DJversion666 T-shirt, the single at Amazon, and the single at Bandcamp.
Fucking get it! Don’t wait! Just- GET. IT!
It is an incredible tribute to the man who took my work and polished it to perfection. Exemia is an incredible talent who is part of a worldwide network of industrial musicians who realize, this isn’t a competition. We can all cross the finish line at the same time. And that’s fucking cool.
I had the esteemed honor and privilege of remixing the song, Gris. The meaning behind the song hits home. I hope I was able to do the song justice. Official Website Launch & “Prelude” Re-release at darkTunes (Oct 31, 2015 Sat). is finally funded for at least one year! All thanks to the CONTRIBUTIONS made by DONORS like YOU.
DJversion666 Is Now Signed To darkTunes Records. The “Prelude” Album Re-release Is NOW Available At darkTunes!
DJversion666 Would Love Your Support In The Future. Continued donations to will help to secure our domain and web hosting for years to come along with :: Creative Network’s support of other Creative, Do It Yourself, & Do It Together endeavors like this one. CLICK HERE TO DONATE!
Support Team for This Web Project: :: Creative Network
This is going to be an incredible event! I’m going to be spinning tunes between live performances from Ego Likeness, Mindless Faith, Die Sektor, and The Rain Within, as well as the Noiseferatu performance by members of Angelspit, The Gothsicles, and The Dead Room (live music/sound set to the silent movie, Nosferatu)!
This event coincides with this website,, becoming viewable to the public AND the re-release of the album, PRELUDE, courtesy of darkTunes Music Group!
When I think this day can’t possibly get bigger, it grows!
I hope to see everyone there!
This is the beginning of a beautiful thing. So many things are happening at once, it’s hard to keep up- but I will do my best.
Stay darkTuned, for more information!
I’m really looking forward to spinning, once again, at Mojo 13! It’s always a blast- the music, the people, the drinks, that atmosphere, though…
September 26th of 2015 is going to be taken up a few notches, as Justin Symbol (to which, I say, “fuck yeah!”) and Generation Empty (which is owed another, “fuck yeah!”) hammer the ears and everything in between, and DJ Richard Reich and I spin music that evening.
Oh, and did I mention it’s a theme party? That’s right- the theme for the evening is blasphemy, sacrilege, debauchery, and everything sinful.
Apparently, Pope Francis is set to hold Mass in Philadelphia that day. We’re going to be thirty minutes away, later that evening, making things right once again.
I hope I see everyone here, doing what we as humans do best.
Sincerely Sinister,
Depression becomes music. Pushing Through It All is what it sounds like to overcome those feelings that kept me down for so long. Sometimes, words simply aren’t necessary.
Pushing Through It All (available for download)
The evolution of humans comes this. We’re not broken. We just think differently.
What’s Inside (available for download)
When a relationship goes sour, yet you’re trapped because the person you’re involved with threatens to inflict harm upon themselves.
Happy (available for download)
Originally, I wrote this song well over a decade ago. Exemia had professed an interest in the song. I asked if he’d be interested in collaborating on a remake of it. The rest is recent history.
It is a song about depression and hopelessness. This seems to be a running theme with me.
Goodbye World (DJversion666 and Exemia) (available for download)
To all the Fundamentalist assholes who sputter on about fire, brimstone, and God’s wrath. Specifically, I wrote this song in regards to Ken Ham, Ray Comfort, Kent and Eric Hovind, and the countless other liars and fear-mongers who prey on those who simply want to believe there is more to life than the bullshit we’ve been born into. Me- I am an atheist. When provoked, I become an antitheist. I can not put faith in something which can’t be proved- especially, some myth created by people who thought the earth was flat.
Where Is Your God Now? (available for download)
This song within a song is my homage to a song that started my dreams of becoming a performing musician.
Valentine (available for download)
Because I haven’t given you enough songs about self-loathing:
Malevolent Introspection (available for download)
Another instrumental- but wait! This one has an extra beat per measure! How the hell does one dance to this? However the hell you want to, my friend.
Lesson In Chaos (available for download)
We are here for a limited time, to do limited things. Our importance is ultimately overshadowed by our complete meaninglessness.
Perspective: In 300,000 years, you’ll be bones in a museum, if you’re lucky. I don’t care who you are.
Future Gods (available for download)
There are a lot of politicians who would like to be remembered as “The One Who Pushed The Goddamn Button”. This song is dedicated to those assholes.
Human Race To The Finish (available for download)
Because of the way my mind works, I get caught up in myself, inadvertently pushing aside everyone and everything I love. This song is dedicated to my wife and son. Thank you for putting up with my bullshit.
Rain Behind Your Eyes (available for download)
This was all Exemia! He made quick work of this remix, which came out with this incredible work of art which appeared on darkTunes’ Gothic Music Orgy compilation CD.
(Exemia Remix) Goodbye World [darkTunes Mix] (bonus) (available for download)
as an extended bonus, here are other songs not found on the Prelude album:
Nights In White Satin (Moody Blues cover) (available for download)
Instrumental- The music feels as if it’s nearly about to break open and go crazy, but it hides behind a serenity, as if it’s trying to cover up its true emotions.
Instrumental- I wrote this song the day I decided I’d had enough of my hiding from myself, musically.
Instrumental- This is my idea of scribbling something down on a napkin and telling myself, “I’m going to do something with this, one day. It will be glorious!”
Instrumental- This was the scribble that became Malevolent Introspection on Prelude.
Malevolent Introspection (beta)
The next three instrumentals are so old, I seriously doubt I’ll ever actually do anything with them, but I give them to you anyway, because why the fuck not? The quality is absolute crap, but if you can overlook that, you might find some very intricate parts winding through these songs.
Birds Vs Bees originally had lyrics. I was lucky enough to have lost them. They sucked.
Spirit Of The Hunt (downloadable)
Grinder (downloadable)
Birds Vs. Bees (downloadable)
There is absolutely no way I could list all the musical artists I believe everyone should experience. I could try, but it would take a lifetime. I apologize in advance, if I miss anyone. Please feel free to comment, if I’ve missed an artist/group you think should be mentioned.
Many of these are free (pay what you want) to download. Show your appreciation for their talent and artistry by throwing them a buck or two. That’s certainly not asking much to increase your music collection.
Support the indie artists. This is the individual who helped make the DJversion666 project a reality. He is a man of many talents. I highly recommend the song, Gris. Not only is his music absolutely incredible, but his artwork is something you do not want to miss! Incredible sounds that you will definitely want to add to your collection. Zughenruhe is a personal favorite. This is an up-and-comer you won’t want to miss! It is the collaborative project of Exemia and Audiocentesis. Between these two names, you can bet on incredible sounds that you will listen to over and over again. I love [AndroidKölon:58]- great music and, on a personal level, a sense of humor that will make you piss yourself. Bear Wrestler. Seriously. Because everyone should love Caffetine! He’s currently in the process of putting his Bandcamp page together. He has a lot of awesome music on Soundcloud!
This list will be constantly updated! Keep checking back for more bands/artists and their respective links!
As of this post, the Prelude album has had over 400 listens!
If you would like to be a part of that, you can do it here:
You can listen or download your own, personal copy of it for free (or pay what you want- all proceeds go to the DJversion666 project, which includes equipment purchases as well as funding for merchandise)!
The party was incredible! QXT’s was, as always, an amazing experience! I would like to thank Krys Przybylski and everyone else for their help kicking off the debut album, Prelude! They made it a night to remember!
The merch table
Jim Mill of Gravity Well
Good Friends- good times
Renee Pestritto- Keyboardist
Jennifer and “Matchbox” feelin’ it
Half of the live act, in one spot (you don’t realize how hard it is to get everyone together at once)
Nathan Brodsky- Guitarist
The DJ looks put off by something
Jennifer Stewart- Beautiful wife
There were other pictures, but my phone is a piece of crap that doesn’t do well in the dark.
It was a night to remember!
Dark Essence Radio played Happy, June 29th, 2015! You can always tune in, here:
or stream the archive:
August 10th, 2015, Dark Essence Radio played Human Race To The Finish! I’ll have the archive up as soon as it’s posted!
Bloodlit Radio played Happy, July 26th, 2015! Tune in, here:
or stream the archive:
Cyberage Radio played Human Race To The Finish! You can catch this station here:
or stream the archive (8/2/2015):
Cyberage Radio played Malevolent Introspection!
stream the archive (8/16/2015):
darkTunes: Gothic Music Orgy Volume 1
Goodbye World (Exemia Remix) darkTunes mix
Mechanized: Freak Machine Volume 3
Where Is Your God Now (be sure to check out their incredible selection of music!)
Zoonosis: Cyberpunk Power Electronics Volume 3
What’s Inside (Zoonosis has an amazing selection, as well. Be sure to check it out!)
Aggro Driver ’81: Kompilation
Human Race To The Finish (Kompilation is incredible!)
darkTunes: Darkest Halloween Compilation 2015
Side-Line Magazine: Face The Beat: Session 3
Every song one this album becomes a favorite, immediately!
Intravenous Magazine: Blood Pack Vol 3
This is another incredible compilation!
darkTunes Music Group: Gothic Music Orgy 2
Coming full circle with the 2nd Gothic Music Orgy compilation, darkTunes offers another incredible album!
Expect more greatness to come!
“DJversion666’s new album PRELUDE is a great dose of dark ambiance. Dangerous and eerie music with it’s roots firmly planted in old school industrial. Great stuff!”– Zoog Von Rock, Angelspit
“liked the album a lot, im pumped for that release, i think he could really make waves…really fuckin talented and you (Exemia) helping him with his production brings it to a whole other level” -Audiocentesis
“So much quality and aggressive!” -2Bullet
“This guy is epic xD this is a really good album i also like your (Exemia) mastering, it feels really good, like some old school industrial” -Megrim
“the sound is really professional, i like the drums too wow happy’s intro sounds really cool! there’s some 90’s nin groove in there, his rockish/angrier vox reminds me of trent well, this is definitely industrial, this project could become really big. there’s something that could attract many people in my opinion they sound really finished, sounds very professional and well-though great sampling and melodically interesting also the atmosphere is there. and it changes from gothic to something a bit surrealistic or psychedelic sometimes well i’m happy that i had a chance to listen to this album this early wow, what an ending track to album. surpirisngly good release. really interesting to see how people will react, i think it has potential to go big” -Cellhavoc
“I was sent an album written by one of our group members Bri Stewart (aka: DJversion666) and given the directive to “test” it for flaws. Well honestly, it’s really hard to test an album for flaws when you realize that every time you listen to the album it gets better. I’ve listened to this pre-release all the way through, seriously, 20 or more times. Here are my thoughts track by track;
TRACK 01 “Pushing Through It All”
The first song as an instrumental is so very important to the enjoyment of this album. It opens up the part of your brain which translates audio information in to information that you will need. It completely gets you in the mindset to listen to what comes next; and, I love the soft piano towards the end.
TRACK 02 “What’s Inside”
In my opinion, this is the most “stompy” track on the album. It’s almost pre-dance industrial but it holds on to an old school electronic industrial feel some how. Once your body gets moving to this you’ll understand just how important all of these elements are.
TRACK 03 “Happy”
Heavy hitting and gritty. If you like old school dance industrial, you’re probably going to break your hip dancing to this track. This song seems to be designed to snap you out of your false sense of reality using sarcasm as it’s chosen mode of delivering it’s message.
TRACK 04 “Goodbye World”
This song starts off like a determined steam engine with a vendetta. It slowly chugs along in the night with no intension of stopping. The effects and sounds seriously add to this imagery for me. There’s also a slowed down pre-chorus and a killer coda that’s just freakin’ inspired. Great audio imagery. Gets better every time I listen to it.
TRACK 05 “Where Is Your God Now”
I love the idea that this track could have very easily become an EBM tune in the beginning. Despite the heavy industrial feel of this song – which is always good, I can actually see it becoming popular with the EBM heads who like heavy grit in their tunes. This is yet another one of those songs that sneaks up on you and gets better every time you listen to it.
TRACK 06 “Valentine”
This is currently my favorite song on the album. This song is as close to true industrial as you’re going to get today. It’s filled with irony without having a single word written. It’s just freakin’ beautiful. The leads during the coda will blow your mind. It takes me back to the days of my listening to the bands “Yellow” and “The Art of Noise”. You will always wish this song was longer; because, it’s that good.
TRACK 07 “Malevolent Introspection”
The vocals sound very 80’s influenced – always a plus with me. You will love the arpeggiated bass line. If you don’t, I’m inclined to think that something may be wrong with the way you live your life. Ha.. Ha..
TRACK 08 “Lessons in Chaos”
This is my second favorite song on the album. It sounds so good loud. It pounds it’s way through your chest. Very very industrial in my opinion; but, borrows from classic rock to make it’s point even stronger. I so love the time fluctuations of a rhythmic melody which happens through out the song. Very very bad ass. Again, this takes me back to the days of listening to the bands “Yellow” and “The Art of Noise”.
TRACK 09 “Future Gods”
Probably the most chill statement about reality you’ll ever here. Tells you like it is while making you feel relaxed about the fact that we as humans are important yet meaningless at the same time.
TRACK 10 “Human Race to the Finish”
Once this song kicked in, it really got my heart going. Great industrial metal feel with a hint of punk with a very cool mini guitar solo that you’ll never really see coming each time you listen to it.
TRACK 11 “Rain Behind Your Eyes”
This is my third favorite track on the album. The vocals are laced with what I call the “Bowie Factor”(all hail David Bowie). Very slow thought provoking tempo; and, it has an almost sinister nostalgia to it.
TRACK 12 “Goodbye World [*bonus track]”
Very good remix of the original “Goodbye World” track. It has all of what you would expect from a dance industrial hit. This edit will set the dance floor on fire!!! I don’t know if Bri plans on adding this track as a “hidden” track on the CD or not. If so, all I can say is that a good day will be had when purchasers of this CD bump in to this track.
My official summary is that this is “an album to bond with”. Which simply means, that you’ll want to listen to it from beginning to end whenever you hear any single song from the album.”
Your inner voices are telling you, “Hey, fucker- you need this!”, as you peruse the current merchandise available from DJversion666. Don’t anger those voices. Bad things happen when you anger those voices.
Right now, you can get T-shirts for $10 plus shipping:
You can pre-order CDs (physical media) for $10 plus shipping:
or get BOTH T-shirt AND CD (physical media) for $15 plus shipping!
place your order (please state your size) at
You can also get a free (pay what you want) download of the CD at
None of these products were made in sweatshops. No harm was done to any animal. Vegetables may have paid with their lives, however.