
Novem­ber 21


8:00 pm — 9:30 pm 

Event Cat­e­go­ry:

* Sub­mis­sions, 2020-11 (NOVEMBER), Dates, Invi­ta­tions (ARCHIVE), Online Event, Venues

Click to Register: Click to Register

Ken­nett Flash


Ken­nett Flash

Ken­nett Flash

Anoth­er great Live Stream­ing Event from The Ken­nett Flash!

Event to be streamed live on – no Face­book Account need­ed to view the stream! Tune in 15 min­utes before the show! The per­for­mance starts prompt­ly at 8pm!

Stream also avail­able on our YouTube page.

A sug­gest­ed dona­tion of $15 is request­ed for this event.

Sup­port The Ken­nett Flash – Donate HERE —


Green Cathe­dral is an orig­i­nal Art-Rock band who released their first album (“Win­ter’s Veil”) on inde­pen­dent label Üser Records in Sep­tem­ber 2017. The band is made up of orig­i­nal music indus­try vet­er­ans from the Art-Rock, Post-Punk, Prog and Elec­tron­ic music worlds, col­lab­o­rat­ing on a sound that incor­po­rates all of these ele­ments to thrilling effect.

Green Cathe­dral is tak­ing a metic­u­lous craft­ing of songs with focus on musi­cian­ship and per­for­mance and infus­ing their mate­r­i­al with unmis­tak­able emo­tion that draws the lis­ten­er in. Lyri­cal­ly, the band explores the mytholo­gies of this and oth­er times, as well as the inner jour­neys of the mind, heart and soul. The music can be simul­ta­ne­ous­ly eso­teric and invit­ing, beau­ti­ful and some­times aggres­sive. With their focus always on the song, Green Cathe­dral achieves Art-Rock sen­si­bil­i­ty with Pop hooks, strong melodies and cho­rus­es. This music expands the bound­aries of radio friend­ly rock for the think­ing class while nev­er alien­at­ing the listener.

Green Cathe­dral fea­tures mem­bers Lyn­nette Shel­ley (of The Red Masque), Mark S. Walsh (for­mer­ly of New Crea­tures), Tom Theur­er (The Big Unkle, QT and the Quirk­tones, Sylvia Platy­pus, SezHu, etc), Dean Zig­oris (ex French TV, Onnomon) and Joe Paglia (ex Audio Mob). Their debut album was record­ed with the leg­endary Philadel­phia pro­duc­er Mark J. Mon­toro of Philly Jam Recording.

” Win­ter’s Veil revealed its intri­cate beau­ty after a cou­ple spins and is a fine debut album from a band that has a boat load of poten­tial. High­ly rec­om­mend­ed!” — Jon Neu­dorf, Sea of Tranquility