Dj Loki on Altopedia


=DJ Loki=
“Lead­ers are those who stand in front of the Shadows.”


=A Few Highlights=
DJ Loki (Joseph “Joe” Burl) is a pro­fes­sion­al DJ based in Cen­tral Massachusetts.


He has been involved with the music scene for the past 15 years, enter­tain­ing audi­ences at night­clubs, cor­po­rate par­ties and pri­vate events.

He has per­formed at an array of venues includ­ing The Mid­dle East (Cam­bridge), Diva’s Night­club (Northamp­ton), wed­dings at Wis­tari­ahurst His­toric Man­sion (Holyoke), Pil­grims Mon­u­ment (Province­town) and at VIP events for Audi and the Berk­shire Inter­na­tion­al Film Festival.

He is a found­ing part­ner of QPoint Event Experts, a pro­fes­sion­al mobile DJ and event plan­ning company.

In 2008 DJ Loki made his night­club debut with a set open­ing forThe Crüxshad­ows along­side leg­endary Man­Ray DJ Chris Ewen. He was one of the res­i­dent DJs for Dead Can Dance and Skate, along­side DJs Addambombb and TI-99. This Goth­ic skate night at Roller­mag­ic Water­bury Skat­ing Cen­ter was a series of fundrais­ing events ben­e­fit­ing True Col­ors, Inc. and Con­necti­cut Coali­tion to End Homelessness.


Oth­er high­lights includes a guest DJ slot at Haven at Divas (Northamp­ton) and Goth Night (Char­lottesville), and head­lin­ing the famous Dracula’s Ball Hal­loween par­ty in Philadel­phia in 2019.

=Recent Times=
Cur­rent­ly, Loki is a res­i­dent DJ and co-pro­duces The Wicked Par­ty (New England’s Haus of Elec­troswing) with DJ Addambombb.

Recent livestream events have includ­ed: Pan­de­mo­ni­um with fea­tured guest Angel­spit and The Wicked Par­ty with fea­tured guest, Duke Skelling­ton (“Future Swing” artist and music pro­duc­er for both the Vaude Vil­lainz and Duke Skelling­ton music projects).

The Wicked Par­ty live streams every oth­er Sat­ur­day on twitch where DJs Loki and Addambombb bring the gin joint jams to your very own speakeasy. Where vin­tage meets mod­ern & Rag­time, Swing, and Rat­pack are mixed with House, Hip Hop, and Elec­tron­i­ca. On alter­nat­ing Sat­ur­days, We Drink and We Spin Things is live fea­tur­ing Dark Dance, Goth­ic club clas­sics, mag­ick­al Pop, hal­loween remix­es and basi­cal­ly what­ev­er they want!

=The Begin­nings=
DJ Loki began his pro­fes­sion­al jour­ney assist­ing DJ Addambombb with con­cert pro­mo­tions and appren­tic­ing as a night­club and wed­ding DJ. His expe­ri­ences as a stage crew hand and lead­ing Haven’s street team include pro­mo­tion and live pro­duc­tion work for many bands includ­ing The Crüxshad­ows, Razed in Black, Voltaire, Bel­la Morte, Stromk­ern, PTI, Android Lust, In Tene­bris, You Shriek, Incus, Ego Like­ness, and HUMANWINE.

Loki has assist­ed with events includ­ing the Salem Witch­es Ball, Black­Sun Fes­ti­val, and Tour:Smart with Mar­tin Atkins. He has also pro­vid­ed music and sound pro­duc­tion for per­for­mance art at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Mass­a­chu­setts, Amherst.

=Pri­vate Stuff=
When he’s not per­form­ing, Loki spends his time out­doors hik­ing, camp­ing and fish­ing among many oth­er activities.

=Exter­nal Links=
Busi­ness FB
Per­son­al FB
QPoint FB
The Wicked Par­ty FB
The Wicked Party
Sta­tiqbloom and Con­jure One to per­form at Drac­u­la’s Ball — ReGen Magazine

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