Wel­come to TheX­Fac­to­ry .com

Heya. I am Tan­genT D.‘Noir a Con­cep­tu­al Musi­cian / Cat­a­lyst Cre­ator, Project Man­ag­er, Web Devel­op­er, and Owner/Founder at TheXFactory.com :: Cre­ative Net­work. This web­site has been con­ceived, built, and main­tained by me since 2000-06-18. It is the place where I like to offer some sim­ple ser­vices and pro­mo­tion to cre­atives and/or like mind­ed cre­ative busi­ness types. I also con­sid­er this web­site to be the home for the well intend­ed con­spir­ing parts of my mind. Check out TheXFactory.com/mission page for some-what of an ori­gin story.

↓↓ Tan­genT­Noir .com 2024 Web­site Relaunch
Host­ed with­in TheX­Fac­to­ry .com Web­space. In case you’d like to stay cur­rent on the progress of my band’s Sub­Site website.


TheX­Fac­to­ry .com: The Break­down

A no Login, no track­ing, man­u­al­ly main­tained, algo­rithm free, mem­ber, and dona­tion sup­port­ed search engine for Cre­ative, Do It Your­self, Do It Togeth­er, and Small Busi­ness types.


  • Fea­ture Sin­gle Page Webcrawled List­ings (STARTER/BASIC/FULL):
    Best for Webcrawl­ing a sin­gle web­site. One image, web­site link, with about infor­ma­tion will be used to form a sin­gle page to be added to our Orig­i­nal Con­tent Search Engine. No login account is required. 
    So, I basi­cal­ly man­u­al­ly crawl a sin­gle web­site which you already own. This must be a Cre­ative, DIY, or small busi­ness. I’ll use(webcrawl) an image and a short descrip­tion from this web­site to help tell your sto­ry with a link direct­ly to your web­site from this list­ing. There­after, I cre­ate a page at TheX­Fac­to­ry .com/YourName, add the con­tent to this page, and add it to our Orig­i­nal Con­tent Search Engine..

  • Sub­Site Sin­gle Page Webcrawled List­ings:
    Best for Webcrawl­ing mul­ti­ple web­sites with mul­ti­ple links, mul­ti­me­dia, with about infor­ma­tion will be used to form a sin­gle page to be added to our Orig­i­nal Con­tent Search Engine. No login account is required.
    So, I basi­cal­ly man­u­al­ly crawl the Inter­net for pub­lic infor­ma­tion which you’ve already made avail­able to search engines. This must be a Cre­ative, DIY, or small busi­ness. There­after, I cre­ate a page at TheX­Fac­to­ry .com/YourName, add the con­tent to this page, and add it to our Orig­i­nal Con­tent Search Engine.

  • Sub­Site Sin­gle Page “Sub­Web­site” List­ings:
    Best for peo­ple who would like to do all of the con­tent man­age­ment them­selves. Requires a login account for web­site man­age­ment tasks. This also includes a Webcrawled Lega­cy Fea­ture List­ings with­in our Orig­i­nal Con­tent Search Engine.

    I help you build your own web­site from scratch. There­after, you tell your own sto­ry, If you no longer want to main­tain the site at TheX­Fac­to­ry .com/YourName, this url will for­ward to your Webcrawled Lega­cy Fea­ture List­ing with­in our main search engine at TheX­Fac­to­ry .com.

  • MORE INFO: TheXFactory.com/hosting

I also main­tain a silent stream­ing playlist con­tain­ing a few bands. I try to keep it run­ning all day every­day in order to help these bands earn some extra mon­ey. I’m cur­rent­ly using the “Tidal” stream­ing ser­vice to do the stream­ing. Hop­ing to get at least $0.007 per song out of this stream­ing provider (fin­gers crossed). For more info about why and how I do this, Check out my long expla­na­tion on the TheXFactory.com/The-SM-DJ-Movement page.

I cur­rent­ly use my social media accounts to help spread the word about your events and Orig­i­nal Con­tent media and links with not so much com­mer­cial media con­tent and oth­er unre­lat­ed con­tent. Vis­it my TheXFactory.com/contact page to get all of my “socials”.
Between 2008 and 2013, I built a social net­work of my own only to have it buck­le under the weight and pow­er of Face­book’s com­meri­cial pow­er and brain­wash­ing. It’s hard to see day light when you’re just one low­ly cod­ing dude. I’ve archived a lit­tle infor­ma­tion about that at TheXFactory.NET.

For more ways to con­nect to my lit­tle world, please check out TheXFactory.com/contact page. Nav­i­gate this site by using the ham­berg­er menu, links, and Orig­i­nal Con­tent Search Engine above.


Tan­genT­Noir .com 2024 Web­site Relaunch
( TheX­Fac­to­ry .com Web­space Host­ed )

Tan­genT D. Noir: The Artist
I’m also a musi­cian and prepar­ing to host my 2024 band web­site re-launch with­in the TheXFactory.com web­space (mov­ing it from TangenTNoir.com web­space to TheXFactory.com/tangent web­space). Both urls will point to a ful­ly host­ed web­site Sub­site. My web­site will be along side a few oth­er cre­ative type web­sites which may choose to host their web­sites with­in TheXFactory.com/hosting webspace.