:: I. T. Lab ( – Restora­tion & Main­te­nance for PCs & Websites

HOME | PROJECTS | DONATE | CONTACT is a tiny help­ful branch of :: Cre­ative Net­work and is cur­rent­ly just one guy who likes work­ing with slight­ly old­er PC equip­ment, tech­nol­o­gy, and web­sites in an effort to help peo­ple in his local area keep their tech­nol­o­gy per­form­ing at a con­sis­tent lev­el. Although web­site projects can be done from any where and for any one, the goal is still to keep endeav­or as sim­ple and as local as pos­si­ble. The same goes for PC projects. offers “restora­tion” and/or “on-going main­te­nance” ser­vices for both PCs and web­sites. There are charges for parts, labor, and month­ly maintenance(if request­ed). How­ev­er, some projects are done for the true plea­sure of breath­ing life back in to old­er com­put­ers and web­sites. Projects are start­ed as they come in with the objec­tive of mov­ing said project in to a main­te­nance phase focused on the client’s needs as a whole.