A by invite only SEMI-PUBLIC social net­work for Cre­ative, Do It Your­self, and Do It Togeth­er types – and peo­ple who help sup­port endeavors.

This is a SEMI-PUBLIC social net­work for Cre­ative, Do It Your­self, and Do It Togeth­er types to cre­ate build and cul­ti­vate their own projects and ideas while invit­ing who ever they would like to engage with the cre­ations. Mem­bers are encour­aged to invite oth­ers with a sim­i­lar mind set so as to help to build a tru­ly pro­duc­tive and cre­ative envi­ron­ment for all who sign up and join.

Why You’re Here…


  • you bring the ener­gy of pos­ti­tive sup­port for your aver­age tal­ent­ed “Every­day per­son”; and, invite oth­er who do the same. 
  • you bring orig­i­nal content. 
  • you have a Cre­ative, Do It Your­self, and/or Do It Togeth­er state of mind and enjoy sharing/posting about this things here on our website. 
  • every thing you will share/post on this web­site has some­thing to do with cre­at­ing, build­ing, and/or sup­port­ing Cre­ative, Do It Your­self, and/or Do It Togeth­er projects and/or content. 
  • you enjoy engag­ing in sup­port­ing and inter­act­ing with oth­er peo­ple’s project spaces, posts, and com­ments in a pos­i­tive and pro­duc­tive way. 


  • you do not under­stand the nature of pro­duc­tiv­i­ty and work­ing together. 
  • you are want­i­ng to pro­mote and/or sell 3rd par­ty con­tent such as pop-cul­ture brand prod­ucts and/or oth­er things which you have no real cre­ative con­nec­tion to. You are here to pro­mote oth­er mem­bers, your­self, and what you can do, cre­ate, and be a part of. If you make your own clothes, art, prod­ucts, and/or curate events etc, please feel free to pro­mote those here instead. 
  • you just want to post cat videos, polit­i­cal rants about news and/or dai­ly B/S etc. This will make our site look and behave like Face­book, Red­it, and/or twit­ter. We do not want that here. This site is geared toward pro­duc­tiv­i­ty, cre­ation, and project devel­op­ment for you and your projects. Please pro­duce and sup­port pro­duc­tive behav­ior and ideas here. So don’t be lazy and get to it. We believe in you here. 


[Tan­genT D. Noir] [Tan­genT] [T.T] TheXFactory.com :: Cre­ative Network