
May 13 — 7:00 pm


May 15 — 10:00 pm

Event Cat­e­go­ry:

2020-05 (MAY), Dates, Invi­ta­tions (ARCHIVE), Online Event, Venues

Click to Register: Click to Register

Hel­lo Art Friends! 

Are you miss­ing Sketchy Char­ac­ters? We are!
Pre­sent­ing the VIRTUAL Sketchy Char­ac­ters Expe­ri­ence! Join Vivi Noir in her video pre­sen­ta­tion of Femme Fatales, as she dolls up as our favorite icons: Bet­ty, Mar­i­lyn, Jes­si­ca & MORE! 

Unlike the unpre­dictable nature and unre­li­able res­o­lu­tion of live stream­ing, we present to you a high qual­i­ty com­pi­la­tion of slow motion, con­tin­u­ous motion, per­fect for paus­ing at just the right moment for artis­tic inspi­ra­tion. As artists our­selves, qual­i­ty is so key to cap­tur­ing ren­der­ings of our effort­less­ly beau­ti­ful mod­els. Although noth­ing com­pares to draw­ing from life, after test­ing, we believe this is the best way to prac­tice social dis­tanced life drawing. 

Send $15 class fee through Ven­mo (prefeered) or Pay­Pal to receive the pass­word for class video! Pass­word and video will be sent out on Wednes­day, May 11 and stay up through Friday!

Ven­mo: @vivinoir

Please include your email!!

Of course Sketchy Char­ac­ters is focused on fig­ure study, but we all know the best part is our beau­ti­ful com­mu­ni­ty of artists! The unex­pect­ed ben­e­fit of artists co-cre­at­ing is that it is so encouraging/helpful/positive to cre­ate among oth­er artists, and have each oth­er to feed off of! Dur­ing this life inter­mis­sion, let’s make up for lost time and space and cre­ate togeth­er again in this dig­i­tal sphere! We encour­age every­one to post your cre­ations any­where with the #sketchy­char­ac­ter­sart and tag us @sketchycharactersart!!