
June 13 — 2:00 pm


June 14 — 3:00 am

Event Cat­e­go­ry:

2020-06 (JUNE), Dates, Invi­ta­tions (ARCHIVE), Online Event, Venues

Click to Register: Click to Register

Hel­l­Lab V 2020
June 13, 2020 — 2pm to 3am
A Glob­al Vir­tu­al 13-Hour Event of Indus­tri­al Cul­ture and Music
Where: Zoom Pro [URL to be announced] 

The sek­tor 6 kom­mu­nika­tions indus­tri­al label Fur­nace Records brings back our epic event series Hel­l­Lab from the ear­ly 2000’s, which fea­tured per­form­ers like Gen­e­sis P. Orridge and far too many artists to name. Nam­ing Gen­e­sis [RIP] shows the lev­el of artists involved with the series. Any­one who had attend­ed the events will affirm our claim of being an incred­i­bly unique indus­tri­al event expe­ri­ence. Cel­e­brat­ing over 31 years of pro­duc­ing indus­tri­al events, our vir­tu­al ver­sion will be no different.

13 hours of per­for­mances, dj sets, pre­sen­ta­tions, inter­views and other! 

We will post an alpha­bet­i­cal list­ing of the line-up 7 days before the event. Fol­low­ing our phys­i­cal event mod­el, we will not list a sched­ule of when bands / artists are appear­ing / per­form­ing. Show up or miss it! 😉

[FYI — We have con­firmed a num­ber of bands to attend that WE ARE SURE you will not want to miss!]

—> The event is in sup­port of human bet­ter­ment through action. Though every­one involved is donat­ing their art and time for your enter­tain­ment, if you can… please donate to:

Food Bank of NYC


- Why are we ask­ing you to donate to them?
Because s6k is an org that also focus­es on actions for social bet­ter­ment, here is a great way to sup­port some­thing long-term.

The Food Bank of NYC [the host city of the event] has been feed­ing peo­ple, every­day, since 1983. Remem­ber, there are always many hun­gry peo­ple when most peo­ple are think­ing it is the “good times.” Also, they help beyond the win­ter hol­i­day sea­son when most peo­ple focus on “the less for­tu­nate.” They have an “A-” rat­ing from Char­i­ty Watch, which makes sure the resources are going where they should.

Resist­bot is an amaz­ing app that makes it easy to deliv­er mes­sages to mul­ti­ple rep­re­sen­ta­tives. Eas­i­ly deliv­er mes­sages to the rep­re­sen­ta­tives of your choos­ing. A great tool for send­ing dai­ly mes­sages, as we do. One can say it does­n’t mat­ter, and in soli­tude it may not. But if Sen­a­tors Gilli­brand and Schumer received 2 mil or even 500,000, of these a day they would be con­cerned that we will remove them unless they adhere to the needs of their poor, work­ing and mid­dle class con­stituents. This tool works around the US…use it daily.

Thanks for con­sid­er­ing sup­port­ing them.

—> Stop back every Fri­day for updates.

You have been warned… Tell others…