
April 26


6:00 pm — 7:00 pm 

Event Cat­e­go­ry:

2020-04 (APRIL), Dates, Invi­ta­tions (ARCHIVE), Online Event,, Venues

Click to Register: Click to Register

Join us for a livestream­ing Q&A with a psy­chol­o­gist who will answer your Covid-relat­ed men­tal health ques­tions. As we all strug­gle with iso­la­tion, loss of inti­ma­cy, job and mon­ey con­cerns, guilt about not see­ing loved ones, miss­ing out on life’s mile­stones, and wor­ry for our fam­i­lies and friends, we face a huge and expand­ing men­tal health crisis.

Whether or not you have a spe­cif­ic ques­tion, you are wel­come to join us for this event. Our guest speak­er will be Dr. Jacque­lynn Cun­liffe, MSN, PhD. The doc­tor will not see the chat room as she will be focus­ing her atten­tion on dis­cussing the ques­tions and top­ics with an empha­sis on how to best under­stand and man­age the feel­ings gen­er­at­ed by the cir­cum­stances we cur­rent­ly face.

We will for­ward your ques­tions to her one at a time. We’ll be using the Twitch stream­ing ser­vice so you can par­tic­i­pate anony­mous­ly if you wish. Par­tic­i­pa­tion will be by text in the chat room; you do not need a web­cam and you will nev­er be onscreen. Only the doc­tor will appear onscreen. 

**You do need to sign up for Twitch to ask a ques­tion** but you can use a tem­po­rary, dis­pos­able email address to do so. Sim­ply google “dis­pos­able email address” for how to cre­ate a tem­po­rary email address.

The Q&A will take place on Sun­day, April 26th at 6pm. It is sched­uled for six­ty min­utes but may last longer if cir­cum­stances per­mit. There may not be time to answer every ques­tion posed; please do not be dis­ap­point­ed if we are unable to get to your question.

This ses­sion is spon­sored by the pub­lish­er of “Even Gob­lins Get The Blues” which is a book about a ther­a­pist in a clas­sic fan­ta­sy world who treats real-life psy­cho­log­i­cal con­di­tions. To par­tic­i­pate in the Q&A, sim­ply use the link below just before the event begins: 

Please note that this Q&A ses­sion is for infor­ma­tion­al pur­pos­es only. It is not intend­ed to replace ther­a­py nor is it intend­ed to diag­nose or treat any con­di­tion. The inten­tion is to pro­vide prac­ti­cal advice and sug­ges­tions. Dr. Cun­liffe will not give out med­ical advice, treat­ment plans, nor will she answer any ques­tions that involve med­ica­tion man­age­ment. This pro­gram is a sup­port­ive and infor­ma­tive forum in which to dis­cuss the chal­lenges of phys­i­cal dis­tanc­ing and look to ways in which the stress­es of quar­an­tine can be eased.

Most ther­a­pists are now using online or tele­phone ses­sions to treat patients; fol­low­ing is some infor­ma­tion on how to con­nect with a ther­a­pist if you would like to speak to some­one one on one. 

If you would like to explore ther­a­py, please try The Psy­cho­an­a­lyt­ic Cen­ter of Philadel­phia. (215)235‑2345. Have your insur­ance pol­i­cy name (if applic­a­ble), the type of problem(s) you are expe­ri­enc­ing, and the qual­i­ties of ther­a­pist you pre­fer (gen­der; loca­tion pref­er­ence; slid­ing scale needs for fee; etc). They will try to match you up with one of their mem­bers. Please be aware that all mem­bers are doing remote treat­ment. Most use video chat plat­forms or they will do intake by phone.

You can also try NAMI (Nation­al Alliance on Men­tal Ill­ness, Philly branch): WarM­line 267–687-4381 *OPTION1
Wal­nut Psy­chother­a­py Cen­ter focus­es its ser­vices on the LGBTQ com­mu­ni­ty.

There is also

And an infor­ma­tive arti­cle here:

If you or a friend or loved one is think­ing about sui­cide, you can call the Nation­al Sui­cide Pre­ven­tion Life­line at 1–800-273-TALK (8255) at any time for help for you or a friend.

Join us on Sun­day, April 26th at 6pm by visiting