
April 24


5:00 pm — 6:00 pm 

Event Cat­e­go­ry:

2020-04 (APRIL), Dahlak Par­adise, Dates, Invi­ta­tions (ARCHIVE), Online Event, Venues

Click to Register: Click to Register

Dahlak Par­adise

4708 Bal­ti­more Avenue

Philadel­phia, PA, Unit­ed States, 19143

A T T N : F I S T E R S

We’re back (sor­ta)! Join us this Fri­day for a spe­cial pan­dem­ic-edi­tion of
F I S T F U L O F K I S S E S …

An hour-long DJ set streamed live* over Dahlak Par­adis­e’s Insta­gram account (@dahlak_paradise)!

In keep­ing with Fist­ful’s tra­di­tion, this will also be a fundrais­er: this time for Philly Social­ists’ COVID-19 Mutu­alAid Project, gath­er­ing and deliv­er­ing sup­plies, gro­ceries, and med­ica­tions to our most vul­ner­a­ble neigh­bors city­wide. All mon­ey raised will go toward pur­chas­ing deliv­er­ies and vol­un­teer dri­vers’ gas expens­es. You can donate direct­ly to their Chuffed page ( OR via Fistful’s reg­u­lar Ven­mo account: @fistful_of_kisses

*Not that you asked, but this set will be streamed *from* a secret under­ground tech­no bunker deep in the heart of Kens­ing­ton (i.e. dust bunny).