
March 21


8:00 pm

Event Cat­e­go­ry:

2020-03 (MARCH), Dates, Invi­ta­tions (ARCHIVE), Online Event, Venues

Click to Register: Click to Register

So were going a lit­tle stir crazy dur­ing these chaoric times and want to do some weird stream­ing activ­i­ty to enter­tain our­selves and hope­ful­ly you as well. 

Enter the Crazy Cri­cut Apoc­a­lypse Game Show! We will stream live from our stu­dio, prob­a­bly under the influ­ence of whiskey, and play a game of “guess what I pro­grammed my Cri­cut to draw!” 

We will stream our Cri­cut draw­ing ran­dom images, prob­a­bly with ridicu­lous alco­hol infused com­men­tary, and chal­lenge our view­ers to guess what the heck its drawing.

The first per­son to guess the image cor­rect­ly will win that draw­ing plus a hand writ­ten note from The Rogu­ish Rab­bits to be mailed, old fash­ioned snail mail style, to the winners. 

Depend­ing on how this is recieved we may take requests or make this an ongo­ing thing for the dura­tion of our quar­an­tine. We’ve nev­er done any­thing like this before so either this will be hilar­i­ous or sad. Either way, it breaks up the mun­dane of our social dis­tanc­ing world.