
March 22


4:00 pm — 10:00 pm 

Event Cat­e­go­ry:

2020-03 (MARCH), Dates, Invi­ta­tions (ARCHIVE), Online Event, Twitch Stream, Venues

Click to Register: Click to Register


New York, NY, Unit­ed States

Live venues may be closed right now, but the enter­tain­ers, speak­ers and cre­ators who make Events are still out there, and they need our help! And all the fans, atten­dees, and con­go­ers out there deserve a chance to escape the every­day world. IT’S TIME TO TAKE THIS SHOW ONLINE!

JOIN US! –for the first in our series of web-based events! We’ll livestream­ing direct­ly from our per­form­ers’ homes, straight to you. You can watch them in real­time and talk to them via Twitch.

These shows are FREE to watch; come and enjoy, and leave your cares behind! IF you have the means, we ask that you kind­ly donate to the indi­vid­ual per­form­ers and/or buy their merch. 

(Please do NOT donate to the Coun­cil of Evil. We are Vil­lains and would only spend the mon­ey on car­toon­ish­ly-large cig­ars and cheap whiskey.)


WHY is the Coun­cil of Vil­lains doing this?

Because we want to Rule the World, and a world with­out great enter­tain­ers and show­peo­ple, tal­ent­ed authors, skilled musi­cians, fas­ci­nat­ing speak­ers, and great teachers…well, that ain’t a world worth rul­ing, is it now?