Man­u­al­ly Main­tained Dona­tion Sup­port­ed Orig­i­nal Con­tent Search Engine
Wel­come to TheX­Fac­to­ry .com…

As of Sep­tem­ber 13th 2024, this site’s focus is on our Orig­i­nal Con­tent Search Engine which is sup­port­ed by your gen­er­al and Fea­ture List­ing submission/update dona­tions. So, you will be help­ing us meet our Annu­al Dona­tion Dri­ve Goal for this year by DONATING DIRECTLY or by submitting/updating your Fea­ture List­ings. IMPORTANT: We’ve been banned from Face­book. Scroll down below and read what’s under “RECENTLY…” for more info.


As of Sep­tem­ber 20 2024, The fol­low­ing site improve­ments happened;
  1. Orig­i­nal Con­tent Search Engine results: click­ing results link opens a new win­dow. This pre­serves your place on search results page while you nav­i­gate indi­vid­ual list­ing pages.
  2. Orig­i­nal Con­tent Search Engine results: Larg­er thumb­nail images. Scaled from (70px x 70px) to (70px x 124px)
  3. Web­site Head­er: Changed left full logo to smal icon logo.
  4. Web­site Head­er: Moved ham­berg­er menu to far left and expand­ed nav­i­ga­tion to full pages rather than menu clicks. This allows your brows­er to go back and for­ward with­in the menu win­dow over-lay.
  5. Fundrais­ing: Annu­al Dona­tion Dri­ve: up to date on report­ing expens­es and contribution.
  6. Mis­sion Page: Added Wel­come link to this page.


As of August 28th 2024, due to out of con­trol hyper­ac­tive auto­mat­ed A.I. rules, Face­book has evicted/banned my pro­file account at (Tan­genT D. Noir). My off­i­cal face­book page at and it’s groups(although they may still be vis­i­ble and pub­lic). How­ev­er, due to my banned sta­tus, I am shut out from mod­er­at­ing my attached pro­file, page, and relat­ed groups. So, please do not expect to con­tact me(TangenT D. Noir), my web­site page (TheX­Fac­to­ry .com :: Cre­ative Net­work), or any of the relat­ed groups on Facebook.

So, I am look­ing for the next best pop­u­lar social media site with sim­u­lar func­tion­al­i­ty to Face­book where I might find my Face­book friends. In the mean time, CLICK HERE to con­tact me and link up via email and send your con­tacts, pro­mo­tions, links, events, etc. Hope­ful­ly, this will help to reduce all of our depen­den­cies on the socials. Don’t for­get to check your spam fold­er for my email replies. The sub­ject line should con­tain a one word greet­ing, my name, and come direct­ly from an offi­cial email address at That is all. Peace.


Heya all. I am Tan­genT D.‘Noir a Con­cep­tu­al Musi­cian / Cat­a­lyst Cre­ator, Project Man­ag­er, Web Devel­op­er, and Owner/Founder at :: Cre­ative Net­work. This web­site has been con­ceived, built, and main­tained by me since 2000-06-18. It is the place where I like to offer some sim­ple ser­vices such as dona­tion sup­port­ed sub­mis­sions and updates to this lit­tle Orig­i­nal Con­tent Search Engine, some social media pro­mo­tion via cho­sen com­mer­cial social media network(s), and any oth­er odd ran­dom requests for Cre­atives and/or like mind­ed Cre­ative Small Busi­ness Types.

I also con­sid­er this web­site to be the home for the well intend­ed con­spir­ing parts of my mind. Check out page for some-what of an ori­gin sto­ry and expla­na­tion of how deep this lit­tle rab­bit hole goes. If you are feel­in’ par­tic­u­lar­ly curi­ous, you may also want to check out my music project, also host­ed with­in the’s web­space at 🙂

IN THE YEAR 2025…?