
Octo­ber 24 — 9:00 pm


Octo­ber 25 — 1:00 am

Event Cat­e­go­ry:

2019-10 (OCTOBER), Dates, Invi­ta­tions (ARCHIVE), Venues, Ware­house on Watts

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Ware­house on Watts

923 N. Watts St.

Philadel­phia, PA, Unit­ed States, 19123

Join us for an evening of creep-tas­tic dark wave dance vibes by Anoth­er Ghost along with sideshow acts by the risqué Rebel Rab­bitt, clown­ing around by pole with the adult per­former Jes­sa Jor­dan, Drag King Buster V Gin­er and her con­joined side­kick Rusty, and Claire Voy Annz show­cas­ing her crys­tal balls! Come dressed in your most dap­per of hal­loween attire and get ready to be daz­zled with some good ol’ home cooked hallow’s debauch­ery. Your grave-ten­der will be serv­ing up poi­sons all night, with spooky snacks avail­able to the mass­es. And don’t for­get to hop into a pho­to booth sesh to show off your ghoul­ish duds. And Wel­come to the Freakshow!

Rebel Rab­bitt: Rebel Rab­bitt is the clown bun­ny babe of Philadel­phia. Whether she’s hyp­no­tiz­ing you with her hips and hoops, shock­ing you with sideshow stunts, or teas­ing and tan­ta­liz­ing till you want to burst, this risqué rab­bit is an unfor­get­table expe­ri­ence! This lus­cious lapin lurks all across the coun­try with the fear bon­er induc­ing clown crew Thun­der­Snow­Cone and is excit­ed to be hoop­ing her heart out for you at the freak show.

Miss Jes­sa Jor­dan: As an inter­na­tion­al­ly rec­og­nized mod­el and adult film per­former, Jes­sa loves doing her own stunts! She trad­ed climb­ing trees in child­hood for poles in adult­hood. Catch her clown­ing around for a spe­cial pole per­for­mance as she puts the FREAK in this freakshow!

CLaire Voy Annz (The Curiosi­ties of Drag): Claire Voy Annz, the beard­ed for­tuneteller, was brought back from the past to warn us of our futures. Wary not! Her gaze out­match­es all oth­ers. Stand­ing on a stage or sashay­ing down a hall, you will not be able to take your eyes off… her crys­tal balls.

Buster V Gin­er (The Curiosi­ties of Drag): Buster V. Gin­er hits the mark as an old-time Sideshow Bark­er with his assis­tant and twin broth­er Rusty. Togeth­er they bring in the crowds with their charm and humor. These two are “insep­a­ra­ble”.