
Novem­ber 27 — 9:00 am


Decem­ber 6 — 10:00 pm

Event Cat­e­go­ry:

* Sub­mis­sions, 2020-11 (NOVEMBER), Dates, Invi­ta­tions (ARCHIVE), Online Event, Venues

Click to Register: Click to Register

Dorathy Wasilews­ki

Web­site: Orga­niz­er’s Website

Come on out to the coolest Yule/ Vir­tu­al psy­chic and craft earth-based spir­i­tu­al­i­ty event/ fair fb group in Ottawa!! Click this link to get there;
This is the biggest best lit­tle spir­i­tu­al hol­i­day mar­ket­place ever!
Learn about the pagan & witchy ori­gins of the Hol­i­days and Win­ter Solstice!
Our man­date dur­ing Covid is to con­tin­ue our sup­port of local earth and spir­i­tu­al­ly based arti­sans, psy­chics and ven­dors and rais­ing aware­ness of the work of impor­tant local ani­mal rescues.
This unique online event :
🦌held on 2 con­sec­u­tive week­ends ‑Fri­day Nov 27-Nov 29 and Dec 4–6.
Local Ottawa ser­vices and prod­ucts to be seen by over 1000+ Face­book users
🦌An entire month of hol­i­day arti­san mar­ket­place. There will be Live Inter­views with Local Artisans/Psychics/Healers, Artists/ Musicians/ Busi­ness­es, con­tin­u­al sales view­ing, Psy­chic Read­ings, Celtic and Eclec­tic Pagan Lore, Omens & Legends.

🦌Yule cos­tume con­test and Live Auc­tion,! Musi­cal per­for­mances, and more!

🦌vend­ing fee of only $25 per each week­end event.
Pro­ceeds will go to local pet res­cues Mar­shal­l’s Dog Res­cue, Almaguin Pet Res­cue, For Love of Paws Dog res­cue & towards adver­tis­ing to cre­ate future online Psy­chic and vend­ing marketplaces.
Yule cos­tume con­test, Auc­tion, live musi­cal per­for­mances, and more!