
Sep­tem­ber 10


7:00 pm — 8:15 pm 

Event Cat­e­go­ry:

2020-09 (SEPTEMBER), Dates, Invi­ta­tions (ARCHIVE), Online Event, Venues

Click to Register: Click to Register

In this week’s sem­i­nar, Madi­son will be dis­cussing the sig­nif­i­cance of the tra­di­tion­al Chi­nese cal­en­dar, with a focus on the 24 Solar Terms.

Unlike our Gre­go­ri­an cal­en­dar, the Chi­nese cal­en­dar is luniso­lar, which means it is based on both the move­ments of the sun and the moon. It has played a sig­nif­i­cant role through­out Chi­nese his­to­ry in all fields of life, from agri­cul­ture right through to eat­ing habits. To this day, many Chi­nese peo­ple con­tin­ue to base their dai­ly lives around the tra­di­tion­al calendar.

This sem­i­nar is lim­it­ed to 12 peo­ple and oper­ates on a first-come-first-serve basis. Con­tact Madi­son via Face­book or direct­ly at to book your place.