
Feb­ru­ary 5


10:00 am — 1:00 pm 

Event Cat­e­go­ry:

2020-02 (FEBRUARY), Dates, Invi­ta­tions (ARCHIVE), Venues

Click to Register: Click to Register

Mike Pence is com­ing to West Philly on Wednes­day so let’s cel­e­brate Love Thy LGBTQ Neigh­bor Day! We don’t know what time he is com­ing yet, but it’s okay, because there are many fine ways to cel­e­brate all day long.

You can…
1) Hang the biggest rain­bow and/or trans flag on your house, apart­ment, busi­ness or street cor­ner that you can find
2) Hang signs or ban­ners — polit­i­cal, hand­made, mass pro­duced or oth­er­wise — the clos­er to 47th and Spring­field the better
3) Chalk the streets
4) Share info you hear about when he is com­ing and plan dance par­ties for any­where near his motorcade
5) Clear your sched­ule, get out your sparkles and your tutu and get ready for a big queer West Philly dance party!
6) Ask your friends and fam­i­ly to join
7) Gath­er your chil­dren and your neigh­bor’s chil­dren for some spon­ta­neous Love Thy LGBTQ Neigh­bor Day parading