
March 6 — 8:00 pm


March 7 — 12:30 am

Event Cat­e­go­ry:

2020-03 (MARCH), Dates, Invi­ta­tions (ARCHIVE), Rit­u­als — Bar & Venue, Venues

Click to Register: Click to Register

Rit­u­als: Bar & Venue

12 W North Ave.

Bal­ti­more, MD, Unit­ed States, 21202

Please join us for a Mag­ick­al evening as we cel­e­brate the Sacred and Sexy for the first time in Bal­ti­more! Win­ter still sits heavy on land­scape, but we’ve got a spell to enliv­en your hearts and get you revved up for the sea­son of renew­al. This stacked cast of hexy Bur­lesque will keep you enter­tained all night. Art­work by Doug Nox. 3 Fea­tur­ing the tal­ents of Coryn Rose Glim­mer Bel­la La Blanc Caza Blan­ca Tara Heart­string Lon­don St Juniper Misty Wilde With Vir­gin Sac­ri­fices Fiona Fox­glove and Gats­by the Great Stage Satyr Clint Essen­tial 3 Host­ed by the High Priest­ess of Hex­work Eyrie Twi­light 21+ $10 advanced Tick­et Link Avail­able soon! $13 at the door. Liba­tions at 8pm Rit­u­al at 9pm Spon­sored by Odd­po­ri­um Con­jured Soap Bou­tique The High Priest­ess Meta­phys­i­cal Bou­tique Goet­ic Impres­sions Black­thorn Hoodoo Blends The Car­rion Cult Bake sale by Friends of TST DC and Mary­land in sup­port of Repro­duc­tive Rights! Vend­ing by Bel­la’s Tchotchkis Glim­mer Please bring your new bras/unused men­stru­a­tion sup­plies to exchange for raf­fle tick­ets! Goods will be donat­ed after our spring run to an orga­ni­za­tion that dis­trib­utes these prod­ucts to peo­ple who need them.