
Feb­ru­ary 12


9:00 pm — 9:00 am 

Event Cat­e­go­ry:

* Sub­mis­sions, 2021-03 (MARCH), Dates, Invi­ta­tions (ARCHIVE), Online Event, Venues

Click to Register: Click to Register

Celtic Yule Psy­chic &Craft Fundrais­er Fair

Ded­i­cat­ed to the God­dess­es of Love! A long week­end full of evenings with Free-mini Psy­chic Read­ings for both Indi­vid­u­als & Cou­ples, and days of ven­dor Arti­san and Valen­tine sales, par­ties and work­shops. Click here to get to the group where main activ­i­ties, read­ings and sales take place;
This event sup­ports Marshall’s Dog Res­cue. This local res­cue is now one of the res­cues involved in res­cu­ing dogs from Nunavut and North­ern Man­i­to­ba, where the stray dog pop­u­la­tion is out of con­trol. For each North­ern dog we can get a for­ev­er home here in the South, anoth­er dog from a Nunavut or North­ern Man­i­to­ban kill shel­ter can be flown into Ottawa and put into fos­ter dog­care til they also get a for­ev­er home.
This fair also sup­ports and fea­tures earth-based spir­i­tu­al Arti­sans, Heal­ers, and Psy­chic Busi­ness­es in Ottawa
Dona­tions to our group much appreciated.