
May 22


7:00 pm — 11:30 pm 

Event Cat­e­go­ry:

2020-05 (MAY), Dates, Invi­ta­tions (ARCHIVE), Online Event, Venues

Click to Register: Click to Register

It seems that we have yet to pub­licly and col­lec­tive­ly mourn the dead in this time of fear and trau­ma. I’ve seen no nation­al or glob­al day of griev­ing, and per­haps it’s because this is not yet over. 

But sur­vivors are left to grieve alone, or to nav­i­gate the unprece­dent­ed in ways that are still hid­den to a world that is so con­cerned with the flows of mon­ey and busy-ness. What hap­pens when we for­get to hon­or the deceased? When we do not active­ly sup­port the liv­ing in their griev­ing? When we our­selves may be dying, and no one is there to hold us? 

This is an impor­tant moment for us to be here for each oth­er. RIGHT NOW.

I’m call­ing for a Glob­al Day of Mourn­ing. To re-mem­ber those who have died from COVID-19, those who will die and may be dying this very moment, and to sit along­side those they have left behind. 

Please light a can­dle on May 22, 2020 and show your respects and sup­port in what­ev­er ways you feel to be prop­er and respectful. 

We are not alone. We are not separate.