
April 22 — 4:00 pm


April 24 — 7:00 pm

Event Cat­e­go­ry:

* Sub­mis­sions, 2021-04 (APRIL), Dates, Invi­ta­tions (ARCHIVE), Venues

Click to Register: Click to Register

The Steam­punk World’s Fair


The Alloy King of Prus­sia — a Dou­ble­Tree by Hilton

301 W Dekalb Pike

Prus­sia, PA, U.S.A., 19406

Gilt & Fan­fare, A Hal­loween Cir­cus Steam­punk Dream, is brought to you by the own­ers and imple­men­tors of The Steam­punk World’s Fair. Why not run away and join the Imag­i­na­tion Carnival?

The Fig­men­tal Cir­cus asks us: Every day is Hal­loween, but WHY are so many days so drea­ri­ly, sad­ly normal?

Gilt & Fan­fare com­bines rous­ing enter­tain­ment with car­ni­val mer­ri­ment and a dash of Octo­ber mys­tery! The Cir­cus is coming…and, for one week­end, YOU can join it! For one week­end, we all run away and join the Cir­cus. Enter a bliss­ful­ly pecu­liar world with a semi-immer­sive envi­ron­ment that blends the imag­i­nary and the real into a delight for the sens­es, bright­ened by amaz­ing food, great per­form­ers, fas­ci­nat­ing ven­dors, and lots of oth­er Dreamers!

Dress in your best and finest, or your cos­tumes, or your most com­fort­able clothes. Let’s trick-or-treat, eat a ton of can­dy, inter­act with char­ac­ters from all man­ner of gen­res, all fel­low par­tic­i­pants in our won­drous Fig­men­tal Cir­cus expe­ri­ence Let’ s tell sto­ries, hang out around a (vir­tu­al) camp­fire. Let’s see some shows, search for clues, inter­act with splen­did­ly unusu­al char­ac­ters, rock to live music, explore mys­ter­ies, eat some great food, and meet new weird and won­der­ful friends!

Who cares who your day job thinks you are? Come be your REAL self! Bring the fam­i­ly! This week­end-long, all all-ages adven­ture cel­e­brates every­thing we love about Hal­loween and the Cir­cus – right at the start of Sum­mer, when we need it most.

Brought to you by Dark Lord Jeff Mach, author, cre­ator, inven­tor of Steam­punk, Ren­faire, Geek, Dark­wave, and oth­er imag­i­na­tive dream events, and the mon­ster behind the books “There and NEVER, EVER BACK AGAIN” and “Vil­lains, Vil­lainy, and Villainpunk”.