
Sep­tem­ber 7 — 10:00 am


Sep­tem­ber 8 — 5:00 pm

Event Cat­e­go­ry:

2019-09 (SEPTEMBER), Dates, East and West Parks, Nor­wich, New York, Invi­ta­tions (ARCHIVE), Venues

Click to Register: Click to Register

Sep­tem­ber 7–8, 2019
This is my first time at Col­orscape Chenan­go Arts Fes­ti­val in East and West Parks, Nor­wich, New York. 

Col­orscape Chenan­go Arts Festival

***** I will be at booth 32 in East Park *****. 

I will be also doing a demo at this festival.

Col­orscape Chenan­go Arts Fes­ti­val is a free out­door fes­ti­val that draws 10–12,000 peo­ple to East and West Parks of down­town Nor­wich, NY, each year on the week­end after Labor Day, with its juried art and fine crafts for sale in an inter­ac­tive atmos­phere, acoustic music by pro­fes­sion­al singer-song­writ­ers, lit­er­ary arts, com­pet­i­tive poet­ry slam, cre­ative culi­nary arts and hands-on art expe­ri­ences for all ages. Admis­sion and all activ­i­ties are entire­ly FREE of charge. Rain or shine.