
July 11 — 3:00 pm


July 15 — 5:30 pm

Event Cat­e­go­ry:

2020-07 (JULY), Alcove, Dates, Invi­ta­tions (ARCHIVE), Venues

Click to Register: Click to Register


shop number‑4 , aaro­hi elysium,south bopal, Ahmedabad

Ahmed­abad, India, 380058

Kathak Work­shop With Dewan­gi Purandare
This event is open for all.

Join us at Alcove to learn the famous dance form of Kathak with our cer­ti­fied train­er Dewan­gi Purandare

5 Days Workshop
11th July 2020 to !5th July 2020
3:00 pm to 5:30pm
Online @ Google Meet

What is Kathak?
Kathak is one of the eight major forms of Indi­an clas­si­cal dance. The ori­gin of Kathak is tra­di­tion­al­ly attrib­uted to the trav­el­ing bards of ancient north­ern India known as Kathakars or sto­ry­tellers. The term Kathak is derived from the Vedic San­skrit word Katha which means “sto­ry” and Kathakar which means “the one who tells a sto­ry” or “to do with stories”.

For Details What­sapp — 7623887833