A New Song By DJversion666? Yes!

Before I get into the details of the headline of this post, I would like to call attention to a couple of upcoming events you should know about and come get your goth/industrial groove on:

First, coming up immediately, this week:

We are bringing the goth and industrial to Trenton, NJ! There is no cover charge, so if you’re in the area and you enjoy your music dark and brooding, I’ll make that happen for you.

Also of note (and I will mention it again, in an upcoming post, I assure you), I will be djing for the first time at QXT’s in Newark, NJ! This event will happen Saturday, May 12th! I can’t possibly put into words exactly how excited I am about this! It’s my first time there, AND I will be on the main floor alongside DJ Q MindSolvent! Again, I will post more about this in an upcoming post for May.

So, yes- I am releasing a new song very soon. I wrote it this past Summer, for an event at Asylum 13 (Bar XIII, Wilmington, DE). It is inspired by the movie, The Wizard of Oz.  It will definitely be released on my Bandcamp page, and is being considered for an upcoming compilation. Keep your eyes on this page for more details, as they happen.


Until next time.

Much love,


Coming Up In April

I would just like to put this here, for a moment:

That’s right! Grendel, Aesthetic Perfection, and Peter Turns Pirate will be at Bar XIII in Wilmington, NJ on Thursday, April 5th! I am excited and honored to be a part of this, as I will be spinning between band sets, this evening!

Thursday, April 12th, I will be spinning all things goth, EBM, dark, and industrial once again at Champ’s in Trenton! Come out and help us establish this as Trenton’s dark scene!

Goth Night Returns!

On a personal note, I have to admit to everyone I’ve been going through a bit of depression over the past couple of months, which has put a severe damper on my creative process. It seemed to have hit me, some time while I was afflicted with that damn flu that was killing people. I feel I may be finally pulling through that and will be back in the studio, putting my thoughts to sound. Understand, I’m not at all seeking sympathy. My depression, my aspergers, my every, little mental dent and ding fuels my creative process. This is a part of it.

While I despise these feelings, I embrace them for what they do for my creative vehicles.


Until next update,




The New Look

First of all, welcome! If you’ve never been to my website, please, look around! There are links to my music, dj mixes/sets, merchandise (t shirts, cds, etc), as well as up-to-date information on the latest goings on in the wonderful world of DJversion666 and friends.

If you’ve visited this domain before, you will notice that it is vastly different, thanks to my good friend, Tangent D. Noir of TheXFactory.com! He is doing amazing things for me, right now! As things happen, I will share the information with you. He has also taken the reigns on my Facebook page and has made several, amazing improvements I didn’t even know were possible! If you haven’t checked it out, yet, please do (while you’re there, you might as well go ahead and click that Like button). Thank you, Tangent! You are a blessing to the DIY artist community!

In business news (haha I never really wanted to say that, but it was more fun than I’d imagined, just now), I will be performing alongside DJ Killcrazy, once again, for the world-famous Asylum 13 at Bar XIII in Wilmington, DE on Thursday, February 1st! I will be spinning at Champ’s in Trenton, NJ for the very relatively new Goth Night Returns event on Friday, February 23rd! At these events, I will always have merchandise with me (T shirts, CDs, and stickers). If you’re too far away to attend any of my events, You can always purchase T shirts and CDs via Bandcamp, and of course, you can purchase CDs from http://www.dsbp.cx/ and of course, there are all the major distribution sites and streaming sites available to you, for digital downloads and streaming, should you choose not to use Bandcamp. You can find links to those sites with some quick browsing around this site.

On a personal note, I am ecstatic to have received an awesome package from a good friend, yesterday! I was happy to find my new Aim & Execute T Shirt, along with my replacement Exemia T Shirt (my old one was on its last threads lol)

OH YEAH! I certainly don’t want to forget to mention an upcoming interview with the YouTube channel, KnowShitCast! I’m really looking forward to this, as it’s technically my first, official interview! Nervous? Of course! Excited? Also, yes!

Also, know I’ve got several songs on the burner, right now. Soon, you’ll be hearing some new material from your pessimistic pal, DJversion666, including a couple of songs I did specifically for a couple of events I’ve recently DJ’d for. I consider them more of a novelty, than anything, so I will be giving them away for free, as soon as they’re mastered and ready to go.

Also considering doing a couple of videos for my YouTube channel, but I may have to request the aid of my nine year old son to hold the camera (phone- don’t let me kid you. If I figure out a better way, I’ll do it). Since I’m one of the very few industrial/goth/electronic musicians who use Linux, there have been questions and curiosities about my work flow and the processes I go through to record the noise that makes sense to me. We’ll see how that goes, though. Once I get involved in recording, I tend to become oblivious to everything around me, so actually talking might be a bit of a challenge. lol

Until next time, keep doing what you’re doing, unless someone else is suffering for it (unless that is what that “someone” is into. I certainly do not judge).







I Would Like To Share Everything I’m Doing With You, Right Now

And that is very difficult to do.

Yes, I have a couple of events I’ll be spinning tunes for:  Notably, the Goth Dance Party (appropriately, on Black Friday, November 24th), in Trenton, NJ at Champ’s (https://www.facebook.com/events/185411258674088/) and Asylum 13 in Wilmington, DE at Bar XIII on December 7th (https://www.facebook.com/asylum13/photos/rpp.138195462940572/1015735548519888/?type=3&theater)

Musically, I’m still diligently putting my next album together. I’ve got several songs going on at the same time.

I’m also trying to get an Xmas song done in time for a compilation cd. I’m going to make it an instrumental, and I’m choosing a song that is in the public domain, so no headaches.

I will admit that I am in dire need of someone who would be willing to help me with keeping this website updated, etc. Doing it all, myself, is becoming too much, as I’m trying to focus on writing music. Granted, I can’t pay. I am willing to pay in the form of merchandise and high-pitched, girlish laughter (if that is what you’re truly interested in).  If you would like to consider this position for yourself, you can email me at Brian.Stewart@DJversion666.com and we will discuss your lucrative (or whatever) career as my e-ssistant.

Other than that, I’ve got a couple of remixes I’m considering doing, if I can find that extra time I hear so much about. I know there is more going on, but my mind is so scattered at the moment, it’s a small wonder I am able to put this post together.

Hopefully, my next post won’t seem so scattered.





The Month of October- Or, This Is THE Month

Happy Halloween Month!

Savor every fucking day, this month, as every moment is a worthy moment- and with a little effort, a worthy moment can become a spooky moment! -PSA

There is a lot going on, this month:

Thursday, October 5th, I’m spinning alongside Project Two during the Asylum 13 event, which will be a Twisted Wizard of Oz theme! This, of course, goes on at Bar XIII in Wilmington, Delaware. If you’re interested, the party starts at 9pm and we take it down the Yellow Brick Road until 1am. It’s a theme party, so get your flying monkey suit and join in the fun!

As stated, this is a themed event, and Project Two, Exemia, and myself decided to do something very different and produce original songs inspired by the Wizard of Oz! Those songs will premiere, that night!

Saturday, October 21st, I will be stepping foot and plugging in for the first time in Allentown, PA at The Stonewall for the monthly Reset Society event! I’m am both nervous and excited to be here, this night! The party starts at 10pm and goes until 2am!

Friday, October 27th, I will be giving you my spookiest at Champ’s in Trenton, NJ as they host their Goth/Industrial Halloween Party! Come in costume, because that’s what you do at a Halloween Party! The party will be from 9pm until 1am!

Also, I want to mention, the Iron Garden is hosting their Halloween Party at QXT’s in Newark, NJ and one of the prizes will involve a DJversion666 PRELUDE cd and t-shirt! I was also asked to judge the costume contest they will be having, but their party is the same night as the Halloween Party at Champ’s. I had to politely decline. I am honored that they had asked! Best wishes to all involved in the Iron Garden event! I can truly say, I will definitely be there in spirit!

Also, I wanted to thank Tangent D. Noir and TheXFactory.com (website and social media) for their continued support of the DJversion666 brand! This man has accomplished (and continues to do so) superhero-like feats in order to make things happen! I truly cannot thank him enough for everything he does!

Another person I can’t thank enough for everything is Fabian Morales, otherwise known as Exemia! He continues to make my music absolutely magical! He is an incredible talent! If you have never heard his work, I suggest you google Exemia, AND Aim&Execute (a collaboration between himself and Audiocentesis)! The man is a genius!

Finally, I want to thank my family. I know I push myself, and you have to put up with my craziness. Life is about doing and being. Thank you for letting me do me. I hope to only make you proud.

That is all the news for this month. I have a couple of events already booked for next month, and am hoping to book one or two more, but I’ll talk more on those in a future post.




What Am I Up To?

Once again, here I am with a sporadic update of things going on in the world of DJversion666:

I will be djing at Bar XIII in Wilmington, DE on July 6th! I love this place! Once a month, I travel from the dirty Jersey shored to this amazing bar just 30 minutes south of Philadelphia; the first Thursday of each, to be exact. We’ve started doing themed events, within the past few months. The first was a Star Wars theme, thrown at us at the last minute, putting the creative part of the brain into a higher gear. Thankfully, Klayton of Celldweller and Circle Of Dust fame has done a tremendous job of paying electronic homage to the Star Wars franchise. Amazon had the single available for a few bucks, so it was a matter of downloading, listening, and, like any man with some alone-time, playing with it. I was ready. The most recent event was a Matrix theme. That was a great time! We picked several songs from the soundtrack and added that to our standard picks of EBM, Darkwave, and Industrial (with a pinch of EDM from Project Two, my usual partner in crime on the decks). This next event will be a Hackers theme (Hack The Planet, Mr. The Plague, etc); more great music from three, separate soundtracks! It’s sure to be a great time, once again. Project Two won’t be able to make it, this time, oddly, because of hackers (not the movie, but actual hackers. I can’t go into detail, because it’s not my place. …but, funny. 😀 ). DJ KillCrazy will be joining me, this time. Together, we are taking down the Gibson, baby!

In the music realm, I am crazy busy. I’ve decided to shelf the idea of putting a band together for the live project. I’ve started focusing on studio work, once again. I have recently finished recording my vocals on an Aim&Execute (a collaborative project of Exemia and Audiocentesis) song titled Messiah Of My Doubt. It was recently released on the Terror Night Vol. 3 Mechanized Occultism compilation cd! That was an amazing experience. It gave me the kick I needed to start working on my own music. Currently, I have four or five songs put into motion. A few of them may not make it, but that is the nature of the beats. I am looking forward to finishing these, and many more, in the upcoming year.

The original Embrace The Entropy was also recently released on the June 2017 Brutal Resonance release; a compilation that is now being released once a month! …FOR FREE!!! (pay what you will- be cool and throw ’em a few bucks. Trust me when I say, they appreciate it). That’s it- with the exception of instrumentals and remixes, every one of my songs has been on (in some form or fashion) a compilation cd! Achievement Unlocked!

DSBP Discogs, founded by Tommy T. Rapisardi of Diverje fame, is being especially awesome! A short while back, they started carrying physical copies of the Prelude cd in their online store! That’s right- you can order physical cds from them! Tommy, who also hosts Cyberage Radio plays various songs from the album in the regular rotation! A lot of people are hearing my work, especially out West! I can’t thank him enough for all the help he’s provided on this incredible journey.

That is true of everyone who has helped me, thus far. The list is becoming the length of my first letter to Santa Claus. My next, full album will have a huge Special Thanks section!

Until next post:

Much love!





DJing At Mojo 13, September 26th

I’m really looking forward to spinning, once again, at Mojo 13! It’s always a blast- the music, the people, the drinks, that atmosphere, though…

September 26th of 2015 is going to be taken up a few notches, as Justin Symbol (to which, I say, “fuck yeah!”) and Generation Empty (which is owed another, “fuck yeah!”) hammer the ears and everything in between, and DJ Richard Reich and I spin music that evening.

Oh, and did I mention it’s a theme party? That’s right- the theme for the evening is blasphemy, sacrilege, debauchery, and everything sinful.

Apparently, Pope Francis is set to hold Mass in Philadelphia that day. http://www.popefrancisvisit.com/schedule/mass-cathedral-basilica-sts-peter-paul-philadelphia/  We’re going to be thirty minutes away, later that evening, making things right once again.

Asylum 13 Blasphemous Sept 26 2015

I hope I see everyone here, doing what we as humans do best.


Sincerely Sinister,
