HATEMior on Twitch

SOURCE: twitch.tv/hatemior

About: HATEMior
Toron­to DJ, mix­ing every­thing from post punk to vapour­wave. Come for the amaz­ing music, stay for the majes­tic dance moves, fol­low me if you want to change your life for the better.

ABOUT: Who is HATEMior
Toron­to-based goth DJ and uh.. prop come­di­an? Come for the amaz­ing music, stay for the majes­tic dance moves, fol­low me if you want to change your life for the better!

Pri­or to Covid19 I toured the world as a street per­former, doing shows for audi­ences across North Amer­i­ca, Europe, the Mid­dle East and Asia, often guest­ing in clubs all over. I co-pro­duce “Dark­ness For­ev­er” with my DJ part­ner Ver­nal Trash at Hound­stooth in Toron­to before the apoc­a­lypse, and now online at Dark­ness For­ev­er.

I’ve brought the par­ty online and am here to stay!

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