Bri­an Stew­art is the cre­ative pow­er behind DJversion666, com­pos­ing indus­tri­al music of var­i­ous sub-gen­res… [MORE…]
 DJVersion666: LISTEN/BUY

Puz­zle Of Lit­tle Deaths: Part 600 — DJVersion666
Part 600 (1st) of a 3 part album, all instru­men­tal, dark ambi­ent elec­tron­ic industrial

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Pre­lude — DJVersion666
released July 24, 2015 — DJver­sion666- Vocals, Synths, Elec­tric Bass, Pro­duc­tion — Exemia- Gui­tars, Growls (Good­bye World), Post-Pro­duc­tion — DVS- Spo­ken words, Human Race To The Fin­ish — Mix­ing and Mas­ter­ing by Fako Recs (Exemia)

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Embrace The Entropy Sin­gle & Remix­es — DJVersion666
released Jan­u­ary 5, 2017 — Embrace The Entropy orig­i­nal song music and lyrics by DJversion666 — Gui­tar and post pro­duc­tion by Exemia — Remix­es by Audio­cen­te­sis, Cutoff:Sky, Exemia, Machines On Blast, and LaUD23

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Embrace The Entropy [Ali­en­Na­tion Remix] — DJVersion666
released Novem­ber 4, 2017 — Remix by Ali­en­Na­tion — license: all rights reserved

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Witch­es — DJVersion666
This song is inspired by a pop­u­lar movie.

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Rain Behind Your Eyes [Exemia Remix] dark­Tunes Exclu­sive Mix — DJVersion666
Remixed for Goth­ic Music Orgy Vol­ume 2 — Rain Behind Your Eyes Cov­er Art by Jim­mi Jensen — released June 9, 2016

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9 Crimes (Damien Rice cov­er) feat. Jen­nifer Stew­art — DJVersion666
This is a cov­er of the incred­i­ble song by Damien Rice. Mechan­i­cal license avail­able upon request — released March 11, 2016 — Vocals:DJversion666 — Vocals: Jen­nifer Stew­art — Gui­tar: Exemia — Pro­ducion: DJversion666 — Post-pro­duc­tion: Exemia

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Nights In White Satin (Moody Blues cov­er) — DJVersion666
Industrial/Ambient trib­ute to The Moody Blues — released May 16, 2015 — Pro­duced by Exemia

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 DJVersion666: MERCH/BUY

DJversion666 Logo T‑shirt — DJVersion666
DJversion666 logo art­work is on soft, cot­ton shirts. You will want to share this shirt with no one. How­ev­er, if you do, they will love you for life. This could be con­strued as a caveat emp­tor, should you not be ready to set­tle down.

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$5.88 RAFFLE — WIN A “Pre­lude” MULTIMEDIA Release [Pro­Du­Gi CD‑R Gift] — DJVersion666
his DJVersion666 CD‑R con­tains Full “Pre­lude” 12 track album (MP3 for­mat), 6 Song Remix­es (MP3 for­mat), 4 Unpub­lished Instru­men­tals Songs (MP3 for­mat), 3 Cov­er songs (MP3 for­mat), 4 Videos (MP4 for­mat), and 156 Pho­tos. COMPATIBLE WITH: Lin­ux, Win­dows, and MAC.

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 DJVersion666: MEDIA



 DJVersion666: About
Bri­an Stew­art is the cre­ative pow­er behind DJversion666, com­pos­ing indus­tri­al music of var­i­ous sub-gen­res rang­ing from goth to indus­tri­al met­al and every­thing in between. He also has dee­jayed at var­i­ous venues, rang­ing from gentlemen’s clubs in the State of New Jer­sey, to indus­tri­al dance clubs such as Mojo 13′s Asy­lum 13 and Sol­id State, in Wilm­ing­ton, Delaware.

He con­tin­ues to work with incred­i­bly tal­ent­ed indi­vid­u­als, includ­ing the man behind the project, Exemia, whose list of accom­plish­ments are far to large to sum­ma­rize on one internet.

His pre­miere album, Pre­lude, is his way of kick­ing down the doors of the music indus­try to let every­one know he’s arrived.

sev­er­al musi­cal styles all tied into a dark, indus­tri­al sound

This is the baby of:
Bri­an Stew­art aka DJver­sion666- Key­boards, Bass, Vocals, Beat­mix­ing, Sacrilege

Brick Town­ship, NJ

Record Label
dark­Tunes Records

Short Descrip­tion
I am a for­mer, stud­ied musi­cian who now sculpts sounds using an old Kurzweil K2000, a Fend­er Jazz fret­less bass, some effects, and a pecu­liar imagination.

Long Descrip­tion
This page shares infor­ma­tion about the lat­est orig­i­nal music and dj mix­es (of oth­er indus­tri­al artists) for your lis­ten­ing pleasure.

Most of the orig­i­nal music is avail­able for down­load, free of charge at either or

DJversion666 was orig­i­nal­ly a moniker used to poke fun at the ridicu­lous names DJs call them­selves (DJversion666 is a dj, as well as a musi­cian, after all). A few years ago, he start­ed releas­ing his old­er, orig­i­nal works onto var­i­ous media out­lets which spawned a desire to write new­er music. His love for the indus­tri­al sound is appar­ent in his cre­ations. What start­ed out as an out­let for the nois­es in his head, became a life of its own. Now, it sits and waits to pounce on every note that is fed into it. DJversion666 is a slave to his own creations.

Per­son­al Interests
I’m a com­put­er junkie and a tech­no-whore. The first step is admit­ting it. I feel like a weight has been lifted.

Artists We Also Like
(in no par­tic­u­lar order)
Pan­ic Lift
Drown­ing Susan
(and the list goes on)
(in no par­tic­u­lar order)
Nine Inch Nails
J.S. Bach
Sis­ter Machine Gun
Gus­tav Holst
Grav­i­ty Kills
Count Basie
Stab­bing Westward
Ste­vie Ray Vaughan
My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult
The Damned
Aphex Twin
(and the list goes on)


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