After read­ing this page, please check out these updates

Sim­pler site design and Layout

  • We are proud to announce our new site lay­out and design at TheXFactory.com. We hope that you enjoy the new sim­ple nav­i­ga­tion style also. We still have some pages to add here and there; but, the basic idea is set with many cool fea­tured items to add in the future. It’s all about includ­ing wig­gle room and brain space. Not to men­tion ease of brows­ing for mobile devices.

Retire­ment of TheXFactory.NET Community

  • This project was launched Jan­u­ary of 2010 as a sub­cul­ture col­lab­o­ra­tive project as an attempt to encour­age peo­ple to cre­ate items, sell items, and sup­port each oth­er via TheXFactory.NET pro­files; how­ev­er, a very cost­ly serv­er com­bined with the lack of mem­ber sales and par­tic­i­pa­tion brought this project to a close. As of Sep­tem­ber 30th 2013, this site will not longer be in exis­tence in it’s present form.
  • As a result of what we have learned from this project, the core of this idea will give birth to a close­ly relat­ed and more fis­cal­ly sound incar­na­tion. This, inter­est­ing­ly enough, should result in a bet­ter and more open project overall.
  • Dur­ing the next few weeks, we will be con­tact­ing mem­bers of TheXFactory.NET Com­mu­ni­ty with infor­ma­tion regard­ing the ter­mi­na­tion of this project/website.
  • After TheXFactory.NET clos­es for good, it will sim­ply for­ward to TheXFactory.com’s front page.