After reading this page, please check out these updates
- The process of retiring TheXFactory .NET [2013–08–31]
- New simpler site design of TheXFactory .com & Retirement of TheXFactory .NET Community Project/Website [2013–09–01]
- TheXFactory .NET Retired (2010–01–01 — 2013-09-27) Archived Details [2013–09–27]
- A little follow-up the day after retiring TheXFactory .NET [2013–09–28]
Simpler site design and Layout
- We are proud to announce our new site layout and design at TheXFactory.com. We hope that you enjoy the new simple navigation style also. We still have some pages to add here and there; but, the basic idea is set with many cool featured items to add in the future. It’s all about including wiggle room and brain space. Not to mention ease of browsing for mobile devices.
Retirement of TheXFactory.NET Community
- This project was launched January of 2010 as a subculture collaborative project as an attempt to encourage people to create items, sell items, and support each other via TheXFactory.NET profiles; however, a very costly server combined with the lack of member sales and participation brought this project to a close. As of September 30th 2013, this site will not longer be in existence in it’s present form.
- As a result of what we have learned from this project, the core of this idea will give birth to a closely related and more fiscally sound incarnation. This, interestingly enough, should result in a better and more open project overall.
- During the next few weeks, we will be contacting members of TheXFactory.NET Community with information regarding the termination of this project/website.
- After TheXFactory.NET closes for good, it will simply forward to TheXFactory.com’s front page.