In the process of retir­ing TheX­Fac­to­ry .NET as a sep­a­rate domain and website. 

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Screen­shots 01 

Screen­shots 02 

Screen­shots 03 

Screen­shots 04 

The rea­sons for retir­ing this web­site are numer­ous — all of which have more to do with my cost, the lack of cre­ative mem­ber self pro­mo­tion of their pro­files here at TheXFactory.NET, and the lack sales gen­er­at­ed by the afore­men­tioned self user promotion/sales. As a result, I have been forced to down-size my Inter­net resource load.

The major mis­sions of this site were:

  1. to have cre­ative mem­bers sup­port them­selves by sell­ing items that they had cre­at­ed them­selves via their pro­files here at TheXFactory.NET
  2. to have cre­ative mem­bers sup­port each oth­er by pur­chas­ing items from each oth­er via their pro­files here at TheXFactory.NET
  3. to have cre­ative mem­bers help sup­port the site by sim­ply sell­ing items that they have cre­at­ed them­selves via their pro­files here at TheXFactory.NET

Essen­tial­ly all cre­ative mem­bers real­ly need­ed to do was build a pro­file and share the links to their pro­files and prod­ucts in oth­er loca­tions on the Inter­net, print, etc. You know — self pro­mo­tion… Sad­ly, this did not hap­pen enough at this website.

I con­struct­ed the site to have many great fea­tures which includ­ed a quite cost­ly ded­i­cat­ed serv­er with excel­lent fea­tures; how­ev­er, only 3 out of 73 mem­bers returned on a semi-reg­u­lar basis after their ini­tial sign-ups (and even they used Face­book and oth­er sites more to pro­mote and sell their work)… So, as a result, spend­ing so much per month since the 2010 launch start­ed to weigh very heav­i­ly on my wal­let. Addi­tion­al­ly, it made me seri­ous­ly ques­tion if peo­ple actu­al­ly want­ed or even cared about the site that I had worked so hard to build. I did some stud­ies cou­pled with quite a bit of deduc­tive rea­son­ing and came to the con­clu­sion that the site, in it’s cur­rent state, was an utter and com­plete fail­ure no mat­ter how hard I worked on it.

Cur­rent­ly, I am re-work­ing and relo­cat­ing the core ideas from which TheXFactory.NET was born. Of course, this will also include what I have learned from the fail­ure of this project. This will use few­er of my fis­cal resources. Although, this requires a sig­nif­i­cant learn­ing curve for me, I’m look­ing at offer­ing the fol­low­ing before this years end;

  • More social net­work­ing fea­tures which I hope will encour­age peo­ple to return and work with each oth­er to build a more DIY community.
  • A choice for peo­ple to sell in a DIY way and/or choose a mem­ber­ship based way to sell which will include my pro­gram­ming and gen­er­al sup­port, ser­vices, and some extra site web­site features.
  • Dona­tions will also be an option. Pro­vid­ed that peo­ple believe that I offer some­thing of val­ue to the com­mu­ni­ty as a whole.

And so — to the few out of 73 cre­ative mem­bers who returned — thank you so much for your time, pos­i­tive ener­gy, and support.

Best wish­es.

[Tan­genT D. Noir] [Tan­genT] [T.T] ~TheXFactory.com :: Cre­ative Network