
Sep­tem­ber 13


2:00 pm — 4:00 pm 

Event Cat­e­go­ry:

2020-09 (SEPTEMBER), Dates, Invi­ta­tions (ARCHIVE), Online Event, Venues

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Lon­don Unit­ed King­dom — UK

Lon­don Unit­ed Kingdom

Lon­don, Unit­ed Kingdom

For book­ing please check:
On this tour you will vis­it the main cities in Iran. It is a paid event and there is a 12 Aus­tralian Dol­lar fee. Our knowl­edge­able tour guide with using the most recent mul­ti­me­dia tech­nol­o­gy will guide you to explore the world, make mean­ing­ful con­nec­tion with oth­er like mind­ed peo­ple and refresh your best mem­o­ries of life! (The vaca­tions and your good times with good people!

Plus you will be able to:

- Vir­tu­al­ly trav­el to the des­ti­na­tions which is not easy to trav­el to.
— Have a vir­tu­al tour togeth­er with your friends far away!
— Do it safe­ly from com­fort of your home
— Get the taste of a new place with­out spend­ing much
— Know your poten­tial future des­ti­na­tion deep­er for bet­ter planning
— Give a great gift to your beloved one
— Join to our club of cul­ture lover peo­ple! So you will know about future tours and you can ask your ques­tions regard­ing to those destinations

There is A $12 FEE On this tour we cov­er mod­ern life in Iran, main cul­tur­al ele­ments and we will vis­it the main cities on clas­sic route of Iran. Tehran, Isfa­han (The Flo­rence of the east),lovely Shi­raz and Yazd with its unique architecture.

It will be an interactive100 minute tour with var­i­ous break in between. An accred­it­ed Iran­ian tour guide will present the tour, so you can ask as many ques­tions as you can dur­ing the tour.