
April 16


7:00 pm — 8:30 pm 

Event Cat­e­go­ry:

2020-04 (APRIL), Dates, Invi­ta­tions (ARCHIVE), MADE. Arti­san Mar­ket­place, Online Event, Venues

Click to Register: Click to Register

MADE. Arti­san Marketplace

65 N. Broad St.

Wood­bury, NJ, Unit­ed States, 08096

At MADE. we have what our cus­tomers call a great selec­tion of used/pre-loved books for all to enjoy and what bet­ter way to “social­ly dis­tance cel­e­brate” them is to have a book/movie club. 

So how does this work you ask? 

Once a week, we will pick a movie that was derived or inspired from a book and you must watch that movie. Then on a dif­fer­ent night, log on to ZOOM with oth­ers and dis­cuss this movie togeth­er with folks that you may or may not know. 

If you’ve seen the movie already, great! If you’ve read the book, even bet­ter; this aids in the dis­cus­sion. How­ev­er, watch the movie again and be pre­pared to join in on the dis­cus­sion and answer some ques­tions pro­vid­ed to you pri­or to the zoom discussion. 

**This event is FREE**

Sin­gles and cou­ples are encour­aged to join us.

Age par­tic­i­pa­tion is best suit­ed by the rat­ing of the movie. This week we will have an ADULT movie( Rat­ed R.)

This week’s movie was a book writ­ten in 1981 and appar­ent­ly no longer avail­able on the nor­mal mar­ket (as of right now.)

Movie is cur­rent­ly stream­ing on NETFLIX and NETFLIX is offer­ing a free month sub­scrip­tion if you do not already have it. 

Movie Info:

Extreme­ly Wicked, Shock­ing­ly Vile, and Evil

“Extreme­ly Wicked, Shock­ing­ly Evil and Vile is a 2019 Amer­i­can bio­graph­i­cal crime thriller film about the life of ser­i­al killer Ted Bundy. Direct­ed by Joe Berlinger with a screen­play from Michael Wer­wie, the film is based on Bundy’s for­mer girl­friend Eliz­a­beth Kendal­l’s mem­oir, The Phan­tom Prince: My Life with Ted Bundy. The film stars Zac Efron as Bundy, Lily Collins as Kendall, Kaya Scode­lario as Bundy’s wife Car­ole Ann Boone, and John Malkovich as Edward Cow­art, the pre­sid­ing judge at Bundy’s tri­al. The title of the film is a ref­er­ence to Cow­art’s remarks on Bundy’s mur­ders while sen­tenc­ing him to death”
Source: Wiki

Trail­er of movie avail­able here:

If inter­est­ed in par­tic­i­pat­ing please watch the movie by Wednes­day, April 15th. Zoom dis­cus­sion will be held Thurs­day, April 17th from 7pm‑8:30pm. If we need a longer time for dis­cus­sion then we adjust our needs in the moment and vice ver­sa. Feel free to watch the movie twice.

Please email us your email address and name(s) so we can prop­er­ly invite you to the zoom dis­cus­sion. Our pre­ferred email is:

**You must have ZOOM to participate.**