
Octo­ber 31 — 8:00 pm


Novem­ber 1 — 12:00 am

Event Cat­e­go­ry:

2020-10 (OCTOBER), Dates, Invi­ta­tions (ARCHIVE), Online Event, Venues

Click to Register: Click to Register

Know what I’m doing this Hal­loween? Same thing I do every Hal­loween: I’m putting a truck­load of can­dy in a bas­ket out­side my door and hang­ing out on the Inter­net. I fig­ured I’d make it official.

If we’re able to have out­door events in Octo­ber, fan­tas­tic! I’m look­ing for­ward to Catskills Hal­loween 2020, and I’ll do all my in-per­son par­ty­ing then. But if not, you’re all invit­ed to join me. Go ahead! Dress up! Share pic­tures of your cos­tumes! Send us pho­tos of all the can­dy you’re eat­ing! (I don’t eat can­dy, but I like pictures.)

Maybe we’ll do a livestream. Maybe we’ll show a clas­sic, pub­lic-domain scary movie or two. Maybe I’ll attempt to carve a Jack-O-Lantern on cam­era, and there will be hilar­i­ty and much failure.

You might as well RSVP. This is your back­up plan if we’re not going out­side in Octo­ber. And if we are, I’m STILL stay­ing inside, because I got books to write and events to plan. As always.

Yours tru­ly,

Jeff Mach