
Sep­tem­ber 26


8:00 pm — 10:00 pm 

Event Cat­e­go­ry:

2020-09 (SEPTEMBER), Dates, Invi­ta­tions (ARCHIVE), Online Event, Venues

Click to Register: Click to Register

Cul­ture Quest Tours

216 Glen­ly­on Road

Mel­bourne, VIC, Aus­tralia, 3057

Who told it is not pos­si­ble to trav­el at the moment? You will love this 100 minute inter­ac­tive tour if you are an avid trav­el­er, also have a taste for beau­ti­ful loca­tions and charm­ing sto­ries! with var­i­ous break in between our guide will be hap­py to answer all your questions!

There is a $12 fee and for book­ing and know more about our Aus­tralian based tour com­pa­ny please check:

On this tour we will share how mod­ern life look like in Iran, also will use 3d imag­ing so you will feel almost being in the attractions!

The num­bers of par­tic­i­pants will be lim­it­ed to make this expe­ri­ence more unique, Don’t miss the chance to know where the name ‘Shi­raz’ (Wine) came from, to see Isfa­han and its most beau­ti­ful mosque in the world, also roam around Yazd with its archi­tec­ture which is like no oth­er place on the plan­et! We will show a lit­tle bit of Tehran with its crazy traf­fic and make you hun­gry with tasty Iran­ian foods!

Plus you will be able to:

- Vir­tu­al­ly trav­el to the des­ti­na­tions which is not easy to trav­el to.
— Have a vir­tu­al tour togeth­er with your friends far away!
— Do it safe­ly from com­fort of your home
— Get the taste of a new place with­out spend­ing much
— Know your poten­tial future des­ti­na­tion deep­er for bet­ter planning
— Give a great gift to your beloved one
— Join to our club of cul­ture lover peo­ple! So you will know about future tours and you can ask your ques­tions regard­ing to those destinations