
Sep­tem­ber 26


2:00 pm — 4:00 pm 

Event Cat­e­go­ry:

2020-09 (SEPTEMBER), Dates, Inde­pen­dence Mall, Invi­ta­tions (ARCHIVE), Venues, Venues

Click to Register: Click to Register

*Come togeth­er to learn more about and orga­nize for plans to take to the streets through­out Octo­ber nation­wide, includ­ing here in Philly to stop a regime that threat­ens human­i­ty before its too late.*
We face a rolling coup bar­rel­ing to a show­down on Novem­ber 3. The Trump/Pence regime have said and shown that they will not abide by an elec­tion they lose.
It is the regime—Trump, Pence, Barr—who have raised the specter of insur­rec­tion and sedi­tion. It is the regime that is tear­ing up the rule of law. It is the regime that demo­nizes and bru­tal­izes immi­grants, Black peo­ple, Lati­nos, Native Amer­i­cans, women, LGBTQ peo­ple, the media and peace­ful pro­test­ers. It is the regime that oppos­es sci­ence, lead­ing to a coun­try and a plan­et burn­ing and drown­ing, and to uncon­scionable unnec­es­sary death and ill­ness from Covid.We face a crit­i­cal cross­roads. The hour is late, but not too late. Rely­ing only on our vot­ing will lead to dis­as­ter. The Trump/Pence regime is sub­vert­ing the elec­tion now and prepar­ing to nul­li­fy it. Wait­ing to act till they do so will be too late.
Trump’s MAGA mobs maraud around the coun­try in water and land car­a­vans; they mur­der pro­test­ers and inno­cent peo­ple by guns and by their cars. They spread Covid. They are inflamed with pas­sion­ate reac­tionary inten­si­ty. All for the pur­pose of rous­ing their fol­low­ers and intim­i­dat­ing and demor­al­iz­ing all who should be stand­ing up for justice.
Now we must act. Begin­ning Sat­ur­day, Octo­ber 3, gath­er and bring your fam­i­ly, friends, and com­mu­ni­ty into the pub­lic squares of cities and towns across the coun­try in non-vio­lent protest uni­fied by the demand: Trump/Pence OUTNOW! And, come back in waves, day after day. This is pos­si­ble. We saw this in June and ear­ly July where peo­ple came out every day for jus­tice for Black Lives. Now, that strug­gle, and every strug­gle, and the lives of mil­lions of peo­ple hang in the bal­ance. In our diver­si­ty, with our mul­ti­plic­i­ty of caus­es and demands we must come togeth­er and reach out to oth­ers to join us, rec­og­niz­ing that should the Trump/Pence regime remain in pow­er it will be a dis­as­ter for every just cause, and most of all, for the lives of peo­ple here and around the world.
We will act on our prin­ci­ples, mod­el­ing the world we aspire to in con­trast to the big­otry and hatred of this fas­cist regime. We will act togeth­er with cre­ative joy and with the con­vic­tion and courage of stand­ing togeth­er not only for our­selves but for all humanity.