
April 11


10:00 pm — 11:30 pm 

Event Cat­e­go­ry:

2020-04 (APRIL), Dates,, Invi­ta­tions (ARCHIVE), Online Event, Venues

Click to Register: Click to Register

ITALIANO Ci vedi­amo saba­to, ore 22:00? Per favore con­di­videte e invi­tate ami­ci! 🦇❤️🦇

ENGLISH See you on Sat­ur­day at 10pm (Ital­ian time)? Please share and invite friends! 🦇❤️🦇

ITALIANO Riec­co­ci. Per stare un po’ insieme, men­tre sti­amo ognuno a casa pro­pria. Suoner­e­mo alcune can­zoni diverse dal­l’ul­ti­ma vol­ta. Potrete fare domande! Chat­ter­e­mo in ital­iano tra le can­zoni, se ci scriv­ete in Ital­iano! Chi­unque ven­ga in pace è il ben­venu­to. 🦇❤️🦇

ENGLISH We’re back. To spend some time togeth­er, while we all stay in our own homes. We’ll play a few dif­fer­ent songs from last time. You can ask ques­tions! We’ll chat in Eng­lish between songs, if you write us in Eng­lish! Any­one who comes in peace is wel­come. 🦇❤️🦇