
Jan­u­ary 2


5:00 pm — 8:00 pm 

Event Cat­e­go­ry:

* Sub­mis­sions, 2021-01 (JANUARY), Dates, Invi­ta­tions (ARCHIVE), Online Event,, Venues

Click to Register: Click to Register

DJ Chas Paris

Web­site: Orga­niz­er’s Website

Unit­ed States

Unit­ed States

Hey every­one check out The PreQuel!

The past few weeks we got to have some of the local East Coast Dj’s get their shots while fill­ing in the time before QXT’s could live stream again from inside the club.

A bunch of us decid­ed we want­ed to keep it going and this is our answer, The Pre­Quel raid stream before ClubQXts goes online with their own stream.

We will be stream­ing from our own respec­tive spaces and set ups and we will warm you up for the rest of the Qrew to take over.

We will start at 5 pm ET in DJ Liebchen’s Twitch channel.

This week your Dj’s will be:

- For­mer­ly DC now NJ Lady of Beats, DJ Liebchen

- Philadel­phia Vil­lain, DJ Chas Paris

- NY/NJ very own Noto­ri­ous DYZ, DJ Dyztort

And as always we sup­port QXT’s, and while we love our bits and subs, we ask you to please sup­port the home that has helped us come into our own as DJ’s and been the #Home­away to the scene in NJ for decades, so its still here when we can start the real par­ty once again.