
July 5


1:00 pm — 4:00 pm 

Event Cat­e­go­ry:

2020-07 (JULY), Dates, Invi­ta­tions (ARCHIVE), Philadel­phia City Hall, Venues

Click to Register: Click to Register

Philadel­phia City Hall

Join us to assert the right to protest racism, police bru­tal­i­ty and the war on Black Amer­i­ca. We will gath­er at City Hall and peace­ful­ly march to the highway.


– May­or Ken­ney: Resign now! The attacks on West Philly on May 31st and I‑676 on June 1st are unconscionable

– Dis­arm the police! Both firearms car­ried rou­tine­ly on patrol as well as the “crowd con­trol” weapons used to repress protest must be tak­en away from the PPD 

On June 1st, peace­ful pro­test­ers were bru­tal­ly trapped and attacked with tear gas, pep­per spray and rub­ber bul­lets by Philadel­phia police. The assault was com­plete­ly unpro­voked and came with no warn­ing. The may­or and the police commissioner’s lies about vio­lence by pro­test­ers have been thor­ough­ly debunked by aer­i­al and dash­cam footage, and now a com­pre­hen­sive inves­ti­ga­tion by the New York Times has drawn world­wide atten­tion to this grave vio­la­tion of civ­il liberties.

The extreme­ly late and insin­cere apolo­gies by city offi­cials aside, this was obvi­ous­ly a cal­cu­lat­ed move to help crush the nation­wide upris­ing against racist police ter­ror. The assault on the June 1st march fol­lowed a sim­i­lar tear gas attack on a Black neigh­bor­hood in West Philly the day before. But we refuse to back down from the fight for justice!