
August 15


8:00 pm — 10:00 pm 

Event Cat­e­go­ry:

2020-08 (AUGUST), Dates, Invi­ta­tions (ARCHIVE), Online Event, The Com­e­dy Stu­dio, Venues

Click to Register: Click to Register

The Com­e­dy Studio

1 Bow Mar­ket Way #23, Somerville, MA 02143, USA

Somerville, MA, Unit­ed States, 02143

We’re back..virtually. We’re bring­ing the best local com­e­dy club right to your couch! Tune in for a great show and a great line­up of comedy!

The Com­e­dy Stu­dio is wel­com­ing some of our won­der­ful friends and alum­ni back for a vir­tu­al show on August 15th, and you’re invit­ed! While it won’t be exact­ly like sip­ping a cock­tail while laugh­ing amongst a crowd at the club, we’re hop­ing to bring you the next best thing. You’ll see comedians:

Casey Craw­ford
Mark Gallagher
Ky Krebs
Corey Rodrigues
and Joe Wong!

All from the com­fort of your own liv­ing room (or office, or bath­room, or wher­ev­er your com­put­er is…we don’t judge). It’s just 10 bucks to join in on this mer­ri­ment, from wher­ev­er you want to watch. This line­up will *bring the laughs*, and you know we all need that right now, so grab your tick­ets now before they go!
we also have merch, check it out!