
Sep­tem­ber 30


6:30 pm — 8:00 pm 

Event Cat­e­go­ry:

2020-09 (SEPTEMBER), Art­works Tren­ton, Dates, Invi­ta­tions (ARCHIVE), Venues

Click to Register: Click to Register

Join Marie Oberkirsch of Cen­tral Print for an evening of print­mak­ing and col­lage! In this vir­tu­al work­shop inspired by the works on view “Drawn Games: Chess Posters from Around the World,” Marie will guide par­tic­i­pants through at-home print­mak­ing and col­lage tech­niques using sup­plies read­i­ly avail­able around the house. View­ers will learn how to cre­ate their own sten­cils and incor­po­rate col­lage ele­ments to cre­ate one-of-a-kind prints.

Note that not all objects in fol­low­ing sup­ply list is required, though hav­ing a good assort­ment of the items list­ed will allow for plen­ty of cre­ative options.

Sug­gest­ed Supplies:

- thick­er paper or cardstock
— found papers such as old magazines,
— news­pa­per, tis­sue paper, etc.
— Scis­sors and/or X‑Acto knife
— cut­ting mat
— ruler
— glue sticks or oth­er adhesives
— paints in a vari­ety of colors
— paintbrushes
— sponge
— items to use as a stamp (note that they’ll get paint on them!) such as erasers on pen­cils, plas­tic forks, wood­en blocks, dow­el rods

Cen­tral Print is a non-prof­it arts orga­ni­za­tion with a mis­sion to pro­mote the art of let­ter­press print­mak­ing by pro­vid­ing work­shops, class­es, and pro­grams that focus on design and pro­duc­tion using his­toric print­ing equip­ment. Locat­ed in the his­toric Old North neigh­bor­hood of Saint Louis, Cen­tral Print serves as a class­room and stu­dio space that offers a vari­ety of pro­grams for all ages.

Lim­it­ed to 25 guests. Free to attend. 

Work­shop will be held via Zoom; please reg­is­ter to receive the meet­ing link.

Reg­is­ter here: