
August 26


6:00 pm — 7:30 pm 

Event Cat­e­go­ry:

2020-08 (AUGUST), Dates, Invi­ta­tions (ARCHIVE), Online Event, Venues

Click to Register: Click to Register


Venice, CA, Unit­ed States

Led by thru­ple Lil­lian Boun­cy Gold, Uru Majik and Devin Kop­pel, as part of Kin­dra’s Dai­ly Dat­ing & Relat­ing Zoom Series, Poly­talk Wednes­days are inter­ac­tive ses­sions to learn and dis­cuss tools and tricks for suc­cess­ful rela­tion­ship build­ing. While flown under the flag of poly relat­ing, the top­ics cov­ered are rel­e­vant for all relat­ing —mono, poly, mono-ish, solo poly, sin­gle life, fam­i­ly, friend —and all are welcome. 

This week’s top­ic is about what does it mean to be spe­cial in rela­tion­ships where so many of the mark­ers of “spe­cial­ness” are removed? How do we rede­fine “spe­cial” in alter­na­tive relationships?

Poly­Talk 1: Where are you in Poly World?
Poly­Talk 2: Ask­ing for (and Know­ing) What you Want
Poly­Talk 3: Trust and Security
Poly­Talk 4: Active Listening
Poly­Talk 5: Tran­si­tions — Mov­ing From One Rela­tion­al Agree­ment To Another
Poly­Talk 6: Emo­tion­al Responsibility
Poly­Talk 7: Enter­ing Estab­lished Part­ner­ships with Grace
Poly­Talk 8: Abun­dance Men­tal­i­ty: There will always be more cookies
Poly­Talk 9: Tech­niques for Over­com­ing Jealousy
Poly­Talk 10: Nav­i­gat­ing Jeal­ousy in Estab­lished Partnerships
Poly­Talk 11: Nav­i­gat­ing Jeal­ousy as The New Love
Poly­talk 12: Shar­ing Our Sto­ries, Our Needs and Our Growth
Poly­talk 13: Bring Your Questions!
Poly­talk 14: Ask­ing for What You Want

Reg­is­ter for a dona­tion-based tick­et. We very much appre­ci­ate your dona­tion which goes to pay our facil­i­ta­tors and sup­port our vir­tu­al offerings. 

Please note: These ses­sions may be record­ed and made avail­able to peo­ple who aren’t able to attend. How­ev­er, break­out rooms with­in the ses­sions are not recorded.

Kin­dra is cre­at­ing an on-line/off-line com­mu­ni­ty that val­ues authen­tic con­nec­tions. Our con­nec­tion app start­ed with dat­ing and will short­ly include friend­ship con­nec­tion. We were host­ing reg­u­lar in-per­son events that com­bined great music and danc­ing with con­scious con­nect­ing; now we have brought it online and host reg­u­lar vir­tu­al con­nec­tion and com­mu­ni­ty-build­ing events. 

The Kin­dra Dat­ing App is avail­able for both iPhone and Android and is FREE to use.

Please join the Kin­dra app to con­nect one-on-one with peo­ple, and the Kin­dra Com­mu­ni­ty what’s app chan­nel ( to join the com­mu­ni­ty conversation. 

More info on Kin­dra at