
August 6


3:30 pm — 5:30 pm 

Event Cat­e­go­ry:

2020-08 (AUGUST), Dates, Invi­ta­tions (ARCHIVE), Online Event, Venues

Click to Register: Click to Register

Online-Work­shop: Think 4D & Expand your Mind!

📌 Geom­e­try:
Seed of Life Mind Map

In this online-work­shop, you will learn how to think geo­met­ri­cal­ly, in 4D! This will help you gain new per­spec­tives to empow­er your busi­ness and lifestyle.

Would you like to…

▶ be cre­ative and stim­u­late your brain?
▶ gain uni­ver­sal knowl­edge and get inspired?
▶ get a clear­er under­stand­ing of your vision?

In this work­shop, you will learn to think more holis­ti­cal­ly and expand your world view through geom­e­try. By under­stand­ing a few uni­ver­sal prin­ci­ples, you will increase your aware­ness of per­cep­tion that will help you see clear­er in your dai­ly life. Fol­low­ing the con­cept of a uni­ver­sal blue­print, you will map your ideas and start step­ping into your vision.

★★★ Join the Workshop ★★★

🗣 Vir­tu­al Class­room via Zoom:
The Class­room will engage you in small exer­cis­es and vir­tu­al draw­ing. (Alter­na­tive­ly use a draw­ing com­pass and some paper). 

📌 Class­room capacity:
Par­tic­i­pa­tion in the class­room is lim­it­ed to 15 people.
The work­shop will take place when there are at least 3 bookings.

📌 Online-Work­shop Fee:
This 2hr work­shop is 20€. Book your spot at

★★★ Tim­ings ★★★

🗣 Date?
6th of August 2020

🗣 What time?
Lon­don (UK): 3:30pm (UTC+01)

Please check the time­zone for your coun­try. Here is a select­ed few:

New York (US): 10:30am (UTC-04)
Frank­furt (Ger­many): 4:30pm (UTC+02)
Mum­bai (India): 8pm (UTC+05:30)
Mani­la (Philip­pines): 10:30pm (UTC+08)

🗣 Want to come but it’s not the right time?
We also offer pri­vate ses­sion on demand. Con­tact the Facil­i­ta­tor directly.

★★★ Facil­i­ta­tor ★★★

Heike Bielek (Ger­many) stud­ied Biotech­nol­o­gy with a Ph.D. in Biol­o­gy. When she start­ed trav­el­ing in 2014, she land­ed in India and com­plete­ly fell in love with the cul­ture. Based on her spir­i­tu­al expe­ri­ences and a sci­en­tif­ic mind­set, she co-found­ed In2Infinity to make uni­ver­sal knowl­edge acces­si­ble through cre­ative learn­ing. By bring­ing the philoso­phies of ancient cul­tures into the con­text of mod­ern sci­ence, their meth­ods have shown to improve ways of think­ing and gain a broad­er per­spec­tive of the world.

Book here: