
Decem­ber 26 — 7:00 am


Decem­ber 31 — 3:30 pm

Event Cat­e­go­ry:

* Sub­mis­sions, Dates, Invi­ta­tions (ARCHIVE), Online Event, Venues

Click to Register: Click to Register





Join San­ta and his North Pole friends as they put on a pan­tomime with dis­as­trous results.

Award win­ning Mur­der Mys­tery Mur­dered­for­money go back online for anoth­er five days of fes­tive fam­i­ly fun and mur­der­ous mayhem.

‑Video footage
‑Crime scene photography
‑Live sus­pect inter­ro­ga­tions (option­al)
‑Clue sheets

Start­ing on Box­ing Day 2020

Prize: £50 Ama­zon vouch­er (win­ner to be cho­sen at ran­dom from all cor­rect who-dun­nit entries received)

Tick­et price: £15 per household

How to play
On Christ­mas Eve you will receive your join­ing instruc­tions, explain­ing how to play and intro­duc­ing the sto­ry and the suspects.

Then at 12 noon on Box­ing Day, and again on the 27th and 28th Decem­ber you will receive, by email, video footage, evi­dence, clues and infor­ma­tion relat­ed to the crime. View the video and con­sid­er the clues at a time con­ve­nient to you.

Then on the evening of Tues­day 29th Decem­ber or Wednes­day 30th Decem­ber you have the option* to attend a ‘live’ inter­ro­ga­tion of the sus­pects via Zoom video con­fer­enc­ing where your skill­ful ques­tion­ing can uncov­er new clues and con­firm or break alibis.

Fol­low­ing the inter­ro­ga­tion you have until 6.30pm on Thurs­day 31st Decem­ber to sub­mit your answer, before all is revealed in a final email and the win­ner announced at 8.30pm!

*If you would pre­fer not to attend the Zoom inter­ro­ga­tion, that is fine, a record­ing of an inter­ro­ga­tion will be emailed to you on Sat­ur­day evening. That way you won’t miss a thing.

Please note: In order to take part in the chal­lenge, your device will need to have the facil­i­ty to play video. This could be a phone, iPad, lap­top, com­put­er etc..

What our cus­tomers say about our online events:

It was a fab­u­lous expe­ri­ence and immense fun! High­ly recommendable!!

Engag­ing, wit­ty and draws you in!

Excel­lent and inter­ac­tive production

The chal­lenge was fun and excit­ing and very much need­ed as a dis­trac­tion in the cur­rent sit­u­a­tion. Many thanks and con­grats to the team for putting on a great experience.

This was a great self-paced mys­tery with an inter­est­ing sto­ry line. Com­plex enough to keep you think­ing but not impos­si­ble to give us hope.

It was enter­tain­ing to watch the char­ac­ters live dur­ing the interrogation!

What a wel­come addi­tion to our long lock­down evenings. Thank you for get­ting our brains work­ing and our sus­pi­cious minds racing.

Great fun and linked us as a fam­i­ly over the miles hav­ing fun when we could­n’t visit.

Q: Do I have to play at a par­tic­u­lar time each day?

No, if you reg­is­ter to take part, you will receive an email each day con­tain­ing new clues and video footage. You can choose to view and dis­cuss the mate­ri­als sent at any­time con­ve­nient to you.

As part of the pro­duc­tion we will be host­ing live sus­pect inter­ro­ga­tion ses­sions (via Zoom video con­fer­enc­ing). We hope you will join us and ask your ques­tions, how­ev­er for any­one who is not able to attend, or would pre­fer not to, a video of the ses­sions will be made avail­able after­wards, so you will not miss a thing.

By tak­ing part in the live inter­ro­ga­tion ses­sion you are giv­ing your agree­ment to being record­ed and hav­ing the ses­sion placed as an unlist­ed YouTube video for the peri­od of one week.