
August 7


8:00 pm — 10:00 pm 

Event Cat­e­go­ry:

2020-08 (AUGUST), Dates, Invi­ta­tions (ARCHIVE), Online Event, Tur­tle Stu­dios, Venues

Click to Register: Click to Register

Tur­tle Studios

2001 W Moy­a­mensing Ave

Philadel­phia, PA, Unit­ed States, 19145

Can you believe it? We turn 15 this month. And so we decid­ed to do some­thing special.

The full band will per­form 100% live togeth­er at South Philadelphia’s ven­er­a­ble Tur­tle Stu­dios for all the world to livestream, with impec­ca­ble sound and an eight-cam­era crew from Roc­co Films. You’ll be able to view this live on our Face­book page at 8pm on Fri­day. More details on view­ing to come.

This live extrav­a­gan­za is to ben­e­fit Phi­l­abun­dance, which dis­trib­utes food to 90,000 peo­ple each week in the Philadel­phia region. The show is free, but we ask that you make a tax-deductible dona­tion to Phi­l­abun­dance in lieu of pay­ing a cov­er. Each dol­lar you donate to Phi­l­abun­dance pro­vides two meals to some­body who needs them. Our rec­om­mend­ed dona­tion is $20 (the aver­age cost of a tick­et for The Martha Gra­ham Crack­er Cabaret), which would pro­vide 40 meals, but give as you are able. A dol­lar buys two meals and $100 buys 200. You get the idea. There will be a direct link for dona­tions as well as a text-to-give cam­paign. 100% of your dona­tions (and we do mean 100%) will go direct­ly to Philabundance.

This show would not be pos­si­ble with­out the sup­port of San­di Neu­man Foxx Jones of The Abstract Com­pa­ny, Bill Gehrman and Christo­pher Mullins, Revival­ist Gins, Bob & Bar­bara’s Lounge, Wine­Dive Philly, FringeArts, Bil­ly Penn, Roc­co Films and Tur­tle Studios.

Pre­sent­ed by Roc­co Films and Tur­tle Stu­dios, pow­ered by the GO Live stream­ing platform.