
August 29


7:00 pm — 9:30 pm 

Event Cat­e­go­ry:

2020-08 (AUGUST), Dates, Invi­ta­tions (ARCHIVE), Online Event, Venues

Click to Register: Click to Register


If you sing “I like to move it, move it!” when you hear ‘Mada­gas­car’ and feel a strong affin­i­ty for King Julian (let’s be hon­est, who does­n’t dream of being that fab­u­lous?), then we’ve got the night in for you.

Join us on the 29th August at 7pm (BST) for a movie night with a twist. Grab some pop­corn (or maybe fried banana), snug­gle up on the sofa, and watch Dream­Works’ Mada­gas­car with a whole zoo of play­ers from around the world. 

But don’t get too com­fort­able! This is movie night BINGO after all. You’ll need to stay on the ball to spot the quotes, events and objects list­ed on your unique, dig­i­tal bin­go cards. Stay in the zone (when a Zebra’s in the zone, leave him alone!), and you may have a chance to become ‘super genius, robot king of the mon­key things’.

Get your tick­et now and we’ll send you the meet­ing infor­ma­tion and your bin­go cards on the day of the event. Make sure to buy a tick­et for each per­son who will be on the call. You will be watch­ing the film on your own device, so make sure you’ve got a DVD or stream prepared.