
March 2


9:00 pm

Event Cat­e­go­ry:

* Sub­mis­sions, 2021-03 (MARCH), Dates, Invi­ta­tions (ARCHIVE), Online Event, Venues

Click to Register: Click to Register





Learn the Sci­ence of How to be Irre­sistible for Dat­ing, Friend­ship, Busi­ness, Life.

We are so excit­ed to have Dr. Ali Binazir speak­ing about the sci­ence and art of being irre­sistible, based on his best­selling book “The Tao of Dat­ing: The Smart Wom­an’s Guide to Being Absolute­ly Irre­sistible”, which was the high­est-rat­ed dat­ing book on Ama­zon for 7 years.

Based on his exten­sive research, he will present nine prin­ci­ples for being irre­sistible, applic­a­ble to both social and busi­ness realms. These prin­ci­ples work at a deep, uncon­scious lev­el such that the world can say “Yes!” to you and your ideas. There will be a 75-min work­shop fol­lowed by a Q/A and small group discussions.

Dr. Binazir is a Hap­pi­ness Engi­neer, and coach to high achiev­ers. He helps peo­ple avoid burnout and redesign their lives around well­ness, thriv­ing, and growth. He has devel­oped the Hap­pi­ness Engi­neer­ing online course, and “Cre­ative Repat­tern­ing”, a method for rapid­ly dis­solv­ing men­tal blocks using the sci­ence of neu­ro­plas­tic­i­ty. He also teach­es pub­lic speak­ing and charis­ma coach, three-time TEDx speak­er, cre­ator of the top-rat­ed online course Super Charis­ma: How to Be a Trans­for­ma­tive Speaker.

Learn more about Dr. Ali Binazir here at

Tick­ets are dona­tion-based (begin­ning at $1). We very much appre­ci­ate your dona­tion which goes to pay our facil­i­ta­tors and sup­port our vir­tu­al offerings.

Please note: These ses­sions may be record­ed and made avail­able to peo­ple who aren’t able to attend. How­ev­er, break­out rooms with­in the ses­sions are not recorded.

Kin­dra­Con­nect is cre­at­ing an on-line/off-line com­mu­ni­ty for peo­ple who val­ue authen­tic­i­ty, kind­ness, cre­ativ­i­ty and per­son­al growth. Con­nect with peo­ple for dat­ing, friend­ship and col­lab­o­ra­tion on our app and at our vir­tu­al events.

The Kin­dra­Con­nect app is avail­able for iPhone and Android and is FREE to use:

More info about Kin­dra­Con­nect at