
March 25


6:30 pm

Event Cat­e­go­ry:

* Sub­mis­sions, 2021-03 (MARCH), Dates, Invi­ta­tions (ARCHIVE), Online Event, Venues

Click to Register: Click to Register

Open Din­er

Web­site: Orga­niz­er’s Website

New York

New York

Heart­break is painful. In the hit song by the Bee Gees “How do you mend a bro­ken heart,” they com­pare the process to stop­ping rain from falling or the sun from shining.”

Whether your heart­break is caused by unre­quit­ed love or a failed rela­tion­ship, there is that pain of shat­tered dreams and expec­ta­tions. You might feel lone­ly or depressed. You might want to ignore your feel­ings or drown them. You might feel like life is over. How­ev­er, if you’re will­ing to do the work to move for­ward in a pos­i­tive direc­tion, the process of heal­ing from a bro­ken heart can be just a lit­tle sim­pler than the Bee Gees described.

When you go through a painful sit­u­a­tion, often your brain wants to engage in famil­iar behav­ioral and think­ing pat­terns that main­tain the sta­tus quo. You may look for cop­ing strate­gies that are read­i­ly acces­si­ble and which you have uti­lized in the past. Our neur­al path­ways like this famil­iar­i­ty and run on these tem­plates, which often are destruc­tive. Resort­ing to your old and famil­iar ways does not always involve a hap­py outcome.

In this ses­sion of the Open Din­er, we’ll talk about how to reach a hap­py out­come from this unpleas­ant sit­u­a­tion. Hav­ing a sup­port sys­tem is very impor­tant. Reach­ing out to oth­ers who are able to be non-judg­men­tal and sup­port­ive can be a life­saver, while shame, silence, and lone­li­ness are the true killers.

Whether you your­self are going through heart­break, or you want to help some­one else, join us for this ses­sion of the Open Din­er. Become an active par­tic­i­pant in bet­ter­ing your life. Con­nect in a sup­port­ive and non-judg­men­tal environment.

Let’s move for­ward togeth­er, and soon you’ll see that your loss is actu­al­ly a gain. You can do it, and a good envi­ron­ment can help.


Join Zoom Meeting

Meet­ing ID: 915 0779 8268
Pass­code: 354981

Open Din­er is a com­mon vir­tu­al space where peo­ple like you and I, from all around the globe, can come togeth­er for a host­ed meal with music, toasts, dis­cus­sion, and more, while stay­ing safe­ly at home.

Let’s be hon­est! We are social crea­tures, and we crave connection.
The num­ber one killer is not Coro­na, but lone­li­ness! And what bet­ter time than now to step back from our dai­ly rou­tine and reflect on life and our future together?

That’s what this project is about. We feel that by shar­ing ideas around our vir­tu­al table, devoid of judg­ment or crit­i­cism, we can come to a vision of a brighter future. And by shar­ing joy and con­nec­tion, we can come out of this pan­dem­ic quick­er, into a new, bet­ter world!

So grab a plate, pour your drink of choice, and join us for a meal and a chat. We are all in this together!

It’s a FREE event for every­one, and it will be streamed live on the Open Din­er Face­book page!

The Zoom Video Con­fer­ence soft­ware is also free.

Please note that this meet­ing will be record­ed and broad­cast live on Face­book and Meetup.