
Decem­ber 31


7:00 pm

Event Cat­e­go­ry:

* Sub­mis­sions, 2020-12 (DECEMBER), Dates, Invi­ta­tions (ARCHIVE), Online Event, Venues

Click to Register: Click to Register

Galaxy Glit­ter Gala

WE are gath­er­ing online for a walk down mem­o­ry lane with the star teach­ings. As Star Teach­ings is mov­ing direc­tions, you are invit­ed to come with us!

con­tests for win­ning prizes!

video appear­ances by some favorites!

Help us raise funds for our friends who des­per­ate­ly need a home.

our goal is to raise $5133.

which will get our loved ones anoth­er step closer..
our friends have sac­ri­ficed so much to share star teach­ings all over the world for FREE!

WE are giv­ing back in gratitude!

if these teach­ings or the teach­ers have ever touched your life.. please con­sid­er­ing giv­ing back.
our ACTions speak vol­umes and spir­it notices.

donate direct­ly here: