
August 16


3:30 pm — 4:00 pm 

Event Cat­e­go­ry:

2020-08 (AUGUST), Dates, Invi­ta­tions (ARCHIVE), Online Event, Venues

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Free Live Broad­cast: Atom­ic Geometry

📌 Con­tent:
In this live broad­cast, you will learn about the foun­da­tion of mat­ter. This will help you gain an under­stand­ing of how geo­met­ric space ori­en­tates the shells (elec­trons) of the Atom, which may as well describe the same geome­tries that exist around you.

Would you like to…

▶ under­stand the prop­er­ties of matter?
▶ draw the first shells of the Atom?
▶ explore the 3D archi­tec­ture of the Universe?

Quan­tum Physics holds a lot of mys­tery regard­ing the behav­iour of elec­trons, which make up the shells of the Atom. Instead of look­ing at their prop­er­ties, we focus on the space they occu­py and find that all shells fol­low geo­met­ric arrange­ments. In this ses­sion, we will give a gen­er­al overview of the Atom from the per­spec­tive fo 2D and 3D geometry.

📌 Free Live Broadcast:
Sup­port our work with your donation ❤
Donate here:

★★★ Tim­ings ★★★

🗣 Date?
16th of August 2020

🗣 What time?
Lon­don (UK): 3:30pm (UTC+01)

Please check the time­zone for your coun­try. Here is a select­ed few:

New York (US): 10:30am (UTC-04)
Frank­furt (Ger­many): 4:30pm (UTC+02)
Mum­bai (India): 8pm (UTC+05:30)
Mani­la (Philip­pines): 10:30pm (UTC+08)

If you miss it, you will find the record­ing on our youtube chan­nel:

★★★ Facil­i­ta­tor ★★★

Heike Bielek (Ger­many) stud­ied Biotech­nol­o­gy with a Ph.D. in Biol­o­gy. When she start­ed trav­el­ing in 2014, she land­ed in India and com­plete­ly fell in love with the cul­ture. Based on her spir­i­tu­al expe­ri­ences and a sci­en­tif­ic mind­set, she co-found­ed In2Infinity to make uni­ver­sal knowl­edge acces­si­ble through cre­ative learn­ing. By bring­ing the philoso­phies of ancient cul­tures into the con­text of mod­ern sci­ence, their meth­ods have shown to improve ways of think­ing and gain a broad­er per­spec­tive of the world.

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