
July 30 — 8:00 pm


August 1 — 11:00 pm

Event Cat­e­go­ry:

* Sub­mis­sions, 2021-06 (JULY), Dates, Invi­ta­tions (ARCHIVE), Online Event, Venues

Click to Register: Click to Register

Evil Expo


The Alloy King of Prus­sia — a Dou­ble­Tree by Hilton

The Alloy King of Prus­sia — a Dou­ble­Tree by Hilton

As V Is For Vil­lains puts it, “Vil­lains nev­er die!” We are the world’s largest con­ven­tion and fes­ti­val for peo­ple who love every kind of Vil­lain, from Darth Vad­er to Sauron to the Jok­er, and every­where in-between! We have mas­sive live enter­tain­ment, pan­els, gam­ing, dis­cus­sions, ven­dors, par­ties, enter­tain­ment, escape rooms, Hal­loween rooms, muse­um dis­plays, authors, actors, mak­ers, cre­ators, cos­play, and so very much more!

Our line­up is too vast to list here, but you can find it all at — yes, not only will your favorites from Evil Expo Online be there, but we’ll have new pan­els, new per­form­ers, new speak­ers, AND a bounce house!

Come see us online or in-per­son this sum­mer! Come be a part of our mad bid for World Dom­i­na­tion at the World’s Great­est Place To Be A Villain!

If you got tick­ets for Feb­ru­ary’s Evil Expo, they will be good, not ONLY for that online event, but ALSO for this event…with a few spe­cial bonus­es, like our Spe­cial Guest Exclu­sive Pan­els! Like­wise, if you bought tick­ets for our Evil Expo Online event, mes­sage this page for spe­cial offers and thank-you rewards

If you DON’T have tickets…you should get some today! This is the BIGGEST Vil­lain­ous fes­ti­val in the Uni­verse — don’t miss it!