
Feb­ru­ary 3


7:00 pm

Event Cat­e­go­ry:

* Sub­mis­sions, 2021-02 (FEBRUARY), Dates, Invi­ta­tions (ARCHIVE), Online Event, Venues

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Haunt­ed Foot­steps Ghost Tours & Salem His­tor­i­cal Tours


8 Cen­tral St, Salem, MA 01970–3703, Unit­ed States

8 Cen­tral St, Salem, MA 01970–3703, Unit­ed States

Hor­ror sto­ries scare us to the point we can’t sleep. Whether they are short sto­ries, nov­els, movies or oth­er medi­ums, they cause us to look over our shoul­der when we are alone and take a deep breath when we are about to descend to a basement.

Bil­ly Han­son, who adapt­ed and direct­ed an acclaimed adap­tion of Stephen King’s Sur­vivor Type that was laud­ed as “one of the most jaw drop­ping adap­tions of (King’s) ever made…” by John Skipp of Fan­go­ria Mag­a­zine, will dis­cuss hor­ror sto­ries and how they adapt from one medi­um to another.

He will also dis­cuss his book “Spi­der Sea­son”, that debuted in 2018 and was a gold medal win­ner in Fic­tion Anthol­o­gy, Read­er’s Favorite Book Award win­ner in 2019 and one of Book Author­i­ty’s “Best New Hor­ror Books to read in 2019”, as well as his lat­est release, “Dol­ly”. Both pub­li­ca­tions are haunt­ing and mes­mer­iz­ing, sure to leave you wide-eyed and gasp­ing for breath.

He is a film­mak­er, author and com­ic book writer with projects rang­ing from music videos and graph­ic nov­els to web series and films. His lat­est release is Dol­ly, a hor­ror sto­ry pub­lished on Hal­loween 2020. He also has writ­ten for the hor­ror anthol­o­gy com­ic, “Grimm Tales or Ter­ror“, and his first fea­ture film, “Bone Cold”, is cur­rent­ly in post-pro­duc­tion, aim­ing for a 2021 release.