
August 22


8:00 pm — 9:00 pm 

Event Cat­e­go­ry:

2020-08 (AUGUST), Dates, Invi­ta­tions (ARCHIVE), Online Event, Venues

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Green­belt, MD, Unit­ed States, 20770

Holy mack­er­el! We’re still going! So, yeah, on Sat­ur­day August 22nd, from 8–9pm, we will present.….

Rogu­ish Rab­bit Presents: The Crazy Cri­cut Apoc­a­lypse Game Show: The Dirty Dozen!

We will stream live from our stu­dio, prob­a­bly once again under the influ­ence of whiskey, and play a game of “guess what I pro­grammed my Cri­cut to draw!” 

We will stream our Cri­cut draw­ing ran­dom images, prob­a­bly with ridicu­lous alco­hol infused com­men­tary, and chal­lenge our view­ers to guess what the heck its drawing.

The first per­son to guess the image cor­rect­ly will win that draw­ing plus a hand writ­ten note from The Rogu­ish Rab­bits to be mailed, old fash­ioned snail mail style, to the winners. 

We will con­tin­ue to be tak­ing sug­ges­tions on things to draw so just mes­sage us an idea and we’ll try to include it!


Rules and how on earth does this work…

-We will be stream­ing direct­ly from our main Face­book page, so look for the live stream on our main page when the time comes. All are wel­come! So share with your friends and invite any­one who may need a good laugh. Please com­ment, ask any ques­tions, make fun­ny com­men­tary and what­not through­out the game. We will try our best with wit­ty whiskey fueled com­men­tary but if we have ques­tions, com­ments and things to respond to then that will make things more fun!

-We will be award­ing prizes! Not great prizes, I’ll be hon­est, but prizes none the less! Its usu­al­ly ran­dom bits and bobs I have around the stu­dio. The game is to try and guess what the Cri­cut is draw­ing. The first per­son we see post the cor­rect answer will be acknowl­edged by us and we will mail you that draw­ing, old fash­ioned snail mail style, with a lit­tle note from the Rab­bits. Once we acknowl­edge you as a win­ner please mes­sage us with your address (if we don’t already have it) so we can send you your prize. If you have already won a prize we will award the cur­rent prize to the next eli­gi­ble con­tes­tant who gets it cor­rect. That way every­one has a chance to get a letter! 

-Have fun! This whole thing is either going to be real­ly fun or real­ly lame (so far its been pret­ty fun!), but we need your help to not make it lame. Bear with us and par­don any tech­ni­cal dif­fi­cul­ties. Our goal is just to do some­thing dif­fer­ent to break up the mun­dane and hope­ful­ly amuse you!

I think that’s about it! Let us know if you have any ques­tions at any point and we hope you enjoy our weird lit­tle apoc­a­lypse game show! 🐇💜